
Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 9 - "The Present"

Spoiler Alert!

And, another great episode from The Flash!
I swear, this (and Frequency) might be the shows this year (and with new seasons).
Last week, with the crossover, the Flash's episode, in my opinion, was the best and this week, although with no crossover, still a great episode. As well as the one before the crossover. This whole season have been amazing, really!
Anyway, so this episode started almost where the one before the crossover ended, when we found out who Alchemy is! Still pretty stoked that I called it! But yeah, this rant isn't about, kind of... Because this episode was basically all about Alchemy and, obviously, Julian, which I might already say, I loved it! You know I've loved Julian from the start! He might have been a bit annoyting at the beginning (and he kind of still is) but I still love him! That might be because I'm an huge Tom Felton fan but still, his character is one of the best we had this past seasons.
So, like I said, this episode had a lot of Julian/Alchemy but it also had another 'guest', Jay Garrick.
Flash goes to Earth-3 to ask Jay for help to defeat Savitar. They eventually 'catch him' but, before that, we learn a lot about Alchemy and, something that really liked, we learn a lot about Julian's past.
We learn that he lost his sister when he was 20 years old and a few time after she died, he start seeing her and she told him about a rock that could bring her back. So, he planned out an expedition to India to find that rock. He and his team enventually find it and that's when Savitar 'possesses' him.
After that we move to a scene where Jay and Barry catch Alchemy but Savitar appears. Luckily, Barry gets to put the rock in it's box and 'trap' Savitar. After that, Barry discovers who Alchemy really is and that's when he sees that it's Julian.
He then traps Julian in their 'meta prison' (the one they have in the Star Labs, which I can't remember the name of) and tries to get some information. Obviously, Julian doesn't trust him so, in order to make Julian trust him, Barry reveals himself as The Flash.
That was, for sure, one of my favourite scenes. I've been waiting for that moment since the beginning of the season. I really felt like Julian needed to know in order to trust/like Barry more, and that was what happened in this episode.
Julian ended up trusting Barry and told him his story and that since opening the box with the rock, he have bee blacking out. That's when our team discovers that Julian hasn't been himself and that Savitar has been possessing him.
Also, I have to talk about this. The name of the rock - The Philosopher's Stone. Oh my god, every time they said the name of it I just cracked. And, to top it all of, the first time they said it, is was Julian (Tom Felton) who said it and it was just so funny you know?! Tom was in Harry Potter and the first movie is about the Philisopher's Stone, like... Seriously, really liked that 'pun'.
Anyway, back to the story...
After knowing that, Savitar starts reaching to Cisco through his brothers, saying that same thing that he said to Julian. Cisco ends up opening and the box and Savitar gets out. Barry tries to fight him but he's really strong. Wally goes to help him and, he actually does. At least, he buys Caitlin some time to talk Cisco into closing the box. Luckily, she manages to convince him right in time, right before Savitar is about to kill Barry and Wally.
After that, they manage to talk to Savitar through Julian, who tells the team that future Barry will imprison him and that's why he's after Barry now, in the present. He also tells them that, in the future, one teammate will betray them, another will 'fall' and another will sufer a fate worse than death.
In order to get rid of Savitar for good, Jay and Barry manage to throw the box into the Speed Force but, in the process, Barry ends up in the Future and witnesses Savitar killing Iris.
Well, about this... This might sound a bit harsh but, I didn't really care much about that 'future'. Not that I don't believe it will happen, but because I don't really like Iris. I'm probably going to have a lot of 'hate' about this but it's true, Iris is one of my least favourite characters and I don't ship West-Allen at all so, to be quite honest, I'm kind of looking forward for that future. 
On another note, I'm starting to ship Caitlin with Julian. Please, tell me it isn't just me? This episode, when she went to talk with him in the last part of the episode I just... I could see the together, and I do believe they would make a cute couple. Although, I don't think Julian is much into her since she tried to kill him a few episodes ago.
Anyway, Barry gets back from the Future and Jay advises him not to try and change the future because the future isn't fixed.
And, because this was the Mid-Season episode, this was also a Christmas episode, and obviously we had to have some cute moments.
The Team gives Wally his 'Kid Flash' suit, Barry gets an house for Iris and himself and, my favourite, Julian spends the holiday with the West Family (and Friends) and gives Barry his job back, which was really cute.
Yeah, overall, it was a pretty good episode and, although I was expecting it to end with a bang and leave us waiting for the next episode, which it didn't, it was a good ending with (some) happy endings.
So, The Flash will be back in the end of January/beginning of February so, new The Flash rant only around that time. In the mean time, there's still going to be a new Arrow rant tomorrow and a new Supernatural rant on Friday.
Until then.

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