
Sunday, December 4, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 8 Episode 6 - "Detoured On Some Random Backwoods Path to Hell"

Spoiler Alert!

Back with the TVD rants!
Not for long though, because next week's episode is going to be the last one before the Christmas break so...
Anyway, let's not talk about that and let's talk about the crazy episode that aired last night.
So, as you may already know, we were going to finally meet Cade in this episode, and that was what happened. But before that, a lot more happened.
In the beginning of the episode we see everyone looking for the twins, while Damon and Sybil meet with Seline and the twins at a diner.
That's when we (kind of) discover Seline's plan. She plans on giving Josie and Elizabeth to Cade in exchange for her and Sybil's souls. To be quite honest with you, I didn't really think her plan was just that, but I guess we'll never find that out, because after she reveals that, Sybil also reveals that she has another plans. But, before we know that plans, we see Sybil messing with Enzo's head because, like she said, no one has ever escaped her.
Then, there's when the cute/painful Bonenzo moments start. Seriously, I'm loving Bonenzo in this season and I'm really happy that Enzo has a thicker plot in this season because like, 2 seasons ago, he was really pointless, but not in this one. Besides his romance with Bonnie, which is one of the most beautiful things in this episode and basically in this whole season, it's because of him that our gang finds where Josie and Lizzie are.
In order to both help and get information, Stefan gets inside of Enzo's head and manages to get in contact with Sybil. Obviously, things don't go that well and that's when we realize what's Sybil plan.
She then says that she will stop torturing Enzo if Stefan meets with her and Damon, alone. Of course, Stefan being Stefan, he agrees with that plan. And, you see where this is going right? It's after that that the twins summon Cade, who appears, and to which Seline makes her offer, the twins in exchange for her and her sister. Well, then Sybil makes her offer, instead of the twins, two powerful vampire brothers (Damon and Stefan).
Cade accept her offer but he can only 'have' the brothers if both of them agree and, obviously, Damon, because he's under Sybil 'spell' he agrees, and Stefan, because he's the good guy and wants to save Caroline's daughters, he agrees as well.
The twins soon get back to Alaric and Caroline and that's when both of them decide that it's better for them (the twins) if they're away from all of this, so they leave with Alaric until everything is 'in place'.
After that, Stefan reveals to Caroline about the offer and that he only had twenty-four more hours with her. And, Sybil also reveals something, but to Seline. She reveals that, because Seline left her in the voult for years, that the deal was only to free her own soul (Sybil's) and that Seline now will go to hell because she's no longer serving Cade.
In the very end of the episode, both Matt and Alaric get to stake Damon but, because his new immortality, he isn't killed. And, that's how the episode ends.
Overall, it was a good episode. Not a great one but it was still good. I'm really curious about Cade and hell and everything so, excited for the next episodes.
Probably, for what we saw in the preview, we won't see much of Cade in the next episode, but after the Christmas break, I think things are going to get really interesting!
Anyway, let me know your thoughts about this episode and also tell me which are your predictions for the next episode.
Until then...

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