
Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Shadowhunters | Season 2 Episode 12 - "You Are Not Your Own"

Spoiler Alert!

So, here I am with a new Shadowhunters rant.
I must say that this second part of the season is surprising me, in a good way. I didn't really find any bad things in this episode, which is huge so, congrats to the team!
Obviously there was little things that could've been done better, but that's just me being picky.
Well, let's start with my favourite part of the episode - Sebastian! I told you! You were going to hear a lot about Sebastian and here's me keeping up with that promise.
Anyway, like I said, Sebastian was my favourite part in the episode, mostly that scene where he was being really harsh with Clary. The whole 'Clary's powers not working' thing was being kind of boring and, althought I was curious why it wasn't working, I didn't care much, to be honest, but then Sebastian went to go talk to her and he started talking about feelings and, seriously, it is so obvious that all of this is part of his master plan! I still have no idea what his plan is (because, once again, I didn't read the books) but I can sense that it's going to be an huge plot twist (on the characters) when he finally tells them who/what he really is and what he really wants.
Then, the part where he shouted at her and everything... He then apologized to her but, to be honest, I don't think he was sorry. You could see he was enjoying it and I think this, and the last scene of the last episode were hints for the viewers that don't know anything about Sebastian to start noticing that something is wrong with him. Anyway, I just can't wait for him to show his real self and be like really bad because I love my bad boys so, yeah.
Moving one to the main story of the episode - Magnus and Valentine.
The whole thing was pretty cool, actually, but there were times where it was really weird to see Alan and Magnus and Harry as Valentine, mostly when Alec was with Valentine's body (real Magnus). 
The only thing that I found really odd and was a little bit of a 'contradition' was the fact that Alec just killed Azazel just like that, after Sebastian saying that it was really hard and that the spot was the size of a pea and so on and so on, Alec just killed him really easily. I know they had a pretty big storyline ahead, but still, didn't really like that part.
Apart from that, the whole Simon and Izzy thing was really nice, can't wait to really have Sizzy 100% confirmed and then, another big 'reveal' was that Jace is, in fact, an Herondale. 
I wasn't really surprised by it because I saw some spoilers, but I didn't really know that before the spoilers so, it was nice, I guess. It just seems to me that they're rushing a lot of things. I know, in fact, that the things on the books aren't like this so, they're switching some things up and I think it's going by too fast. Let me know what you think.
Well, I think that's pretty much it. Overall, it was a good episode. Once again, not my favourite, but I can see that the series is improving so, I'm excited to see where this goes.
Let me know your thoughts on the episode, what do you think is going to happen and I'll see you tomorrow with a new The Challenge, rant!

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