
Wednesday, December 13, 2017

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 2 Episode 4 - "When Push Comes to Shoving Stars"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys and welcome to the only rant that it's gonna be up this week - The Challenge!
With the holidays and everything basically all the shows go on hiatus so it's nice to, at least, have one to talk to you about.
This week the things got more interesting with the Stars Team. Still, the Champs Team rulled the challenges (I'll get on with that later) but in this episode the Stars Team had a lot of 'screen time' (I might say), which is always interesting.
So, the episode started right where the previous one left of, which the elimination - Wes against Romeo and they didn't really stay much on that, ending with Wes having a pretty easy win.
Moving on, with everything that have been happening to the Champs Team, of course the producers had to do something about it and that's when Tori comes to play (and that's why she's in the 'banner').
After that, they didn't show much more and jumped into the actual challenge right away.
This time it was some type of football challenge (or like they say in America - Soccer) with a giant ball. Like I said previously, the Champs Team dominated (once again) and won 8 against 0, which is a pretty big loss! So, of course, the Champs had to choose and MVP, which they chose Aneesa. I agreed with their decision, because she was the only girl to score but I just don't really understand why they always choose a girl when it's a girls elimination and a guy when it's a guy's elimination. I mean, I kind of get it but, at the same time, they should choose who was actually the most valuable player in that 'game' (which this time was either Zach or Bananas, since bananas was the only one that score 3 points). The only thing that could have some 'weight' is when that person has already won, so in that case they can choose another person but yeah, this is just my opinion.
Anyway so, they choose Aneesa and when they get into deliberation it was obvioust that it was going to be Tori because she was the new player so yeah, I also agreed with that. And then, that's when the Stars Team start playing a big role in this episode.
They basically split into two teams - Josh, Kim and Shawn vs Justina, Michelle and Ariane - with Matt and Riff Raff out 'on their own'. Obviouslt both Teams start talking with this last two so they would get them in their 'teams', focusing more on Matt because they already know that they can't really count on Riff Raff.
When it was time for nominations, it was clear that there were two teams because Josh's team voted for Ariane and Justina's team voted for Shawn. Then, Riff Raff just burned his vote and Matt ended up voting for Shawn, ending with being Shawn against Tori in the elimination.
They didn't waist much time and moved on to the actual elimination and, once again, it was a pretty easy one and it was obvious that Tori was going to win and guess what? That was exactly what happened.
I kind of liked it because I was rooting for Justina's team. To be honest, she's the best one out of all the Stars but, at the same time, I also kind of agree with Riff Raff's game. I mean, you kinda need an alliance to win the game but sometimes I just get fed up in the actual challenge seasons when they have to agree with someone and just not vote for themselves so, I like that he didn't get into the 'fight'.
Anyway, next episode looks like an interesting one because, for the first time, the Champs might actually loose. I mean, from that preview, we were led to believe that the Champs have an hard time with the challenge and that they are going to loose but, to be honest, I still think they are going to win and that Bananas is going to be the MVP (I just want him to be the MVP ok?) and that's why Wes is saying that you can't trust Bananas. I don't know, it might also be them talking about the fact that each of them have to vote (because they lost) but I don't believe that. But, let me know what you think is going to happen in the next episode and I'll see you next week with a new The Challenge rant!

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