
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 21 - "The Girl with the Red Lightning"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Thank god this episode of The Flash was better than the Arrow one, because I was getting really bummed that all my favorite shows were having crappy endings, but I guess I was wrong about The Flash.
The truth is, most of the episode was mediocre, really (even though I missed like 10 minutes of it and so I can't really comment on that) but, because I missed those 10 minutes, I watched the episode again (okay, the part that I missed) and since I had already seen the end, those 10 minutes made a lot of sense and I was not just mind-blown but also sad that I missed the most important part of the episode. Maybe it was better that way, to be honest, because maybe missing that part of the episode was what made me so shocked about the ending. But again, I'm bummed that I missed the Ralph part of the episode (and you already know that he's my favy-fave).
Anyway so, as we've seen on the trailer, this episode was not only about trying to catch Cicada (or like Cisco said She-cada) but also to try to save all the meta-humans and, for that, they gather them at CCPD in order to give them the cure (if they want to).
This episode also had a lot of couple moments - Barry and Iris, Cecile and Joe, and the cutest of them all Sherloque and Renee, the later who we found out (last episode, I believe) that is a meta and so Sherloque tries to help and save her but, like predicted, she doesn't really want to get rid of her powers and so, Sherloque comes up with another idea to save her from Cicada and so send her to his Earth, where she won't be affected by whatever Cicada might do.
My least favorite part of the episode was all the Nora stuff. I think it has been a pattern in this shows (The Flash and Arrow). A new character arrives - really cool and all but, after a while, they become extremely annoying and I just don't care about them, and that's what happened with Nora. And what made me more angry and just eye-rolling my eyes was her whole speech about her having learn from her mistakes and not being 'childish' and just dumb really when, 5 minutes before she says that, she went against her parents and did what she wanted to like... Are you for real?! That really pissed me off and yeah, I just didn't care about her whole thing anymore - just get rid of Cicada.
On the other side of the spectrum, and like I mentioned before, the part that I missed and I had to 're-watch', which was the Ralph part, that was my favorite (maybe because I saw it after understanding the whole thing). But basically Ralph was trying to figure out Thawne's plan (because he thought something didn't add up) but the others were more interested in stopping Cicada and I can't blame them really, they were kind of right. But what really got me in all of this was the fact that, in the end, it was Ralph, the only one that didn't know about time-travel or anything and just found about it like a few months ago, he was the one to figure out (kind of) Thawne's plan, and that just shows that Ralph isn't just the 'dumb' character and that he's also smart and, most of all, a good detective. (Can you tell that I really love Ralph?). 
But anyway, back to Cicada... They end up using Nora's connection to Grace to find her and go after her. Turns out she goes and attacks the CCPD. Then the whole battle thing happen and, while Barry, Killer Frost and Ralph fight her, Cisco tries to disable to cryo-atomizer. In the end, Cisco manages to and, when Barry is about to destroy the dagger, that's when Ralph realizes Thawne's plan - it was all about destroying the dagger all along, so he won't die.
In 2049, Thawne's time is out and he is about to executed. As he is strapped down, it is revealed that his powers are being damped by Cicada's dagger.
The cliffhanger in this was huge and I wish they had done the same with Arrow.
I'm super stoked about the Season Finale of the Flash and, to be honest, I have no predictions. We always knew that something was up with this whole Thawne thing but I would have never guessed this so... Yeah, so surprise and so clueless of what's going to happen.
Let me know what you thought of this reveal and what do you think is going to happen and I'll talk to you tomorrow!

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