
Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Challenge: Dirty 30 | XXX Episode 11 - "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and welcome to a brand new The Challenge rant!
Is it just me, or it feels like a long time since we've seen an actual challenge?!
I don't know, I feel like in the past episodes we got caught on so much drama, with the thing between Tony and Camila, and the thing with Tony and his girlfriend and what happened with Camila and Leroy... I don't know, I just feel like lately the show have been focusing a lot on the drama that it was pretty good to finally have an actual challenge and have it focused on it instead.
I mean, sure we had a lot of drama in this episode like, a lot, but it was nice to have a proper challenge. I also thought we were going to have a 'normal' episode but I guess that was too good.
Anyway, the episode started out with a rather awkward conversation from the girls, which I didn't really understand why they focused on that. Maybe it was because of Jenna because that's the only thing that ties with the rest of the episode but yeah...
Like I've mentioned before, I pay a lot of attention to the people they focus on in the beginning of the episode, before the actual challenge, because that means that either they win the challenge (or do really good in it) or they loose and are probably going into elimination.
This time they focused, like I said, on Jenna, but also on Derrick, Hunter and Dario and, well, I didn't really want to brag but all of them were relevant in the challenge.
The challenge in this episode was pretty good! We had four teams of four, which meant a guy and a girl were out of the challenge and into the draw, and here's when Dario is relevant - he's the one not picked by anyone and going straight into the draw.
Moving on, we have the teams, which first we have Hunter and Aneesa as captains for two teams. They both choose other two captains for the other two teams - Britini and Nelson. The teams then went out like this: Pink Team (my team) - Aneesa, Derrick, Jenna and Bananas; Light Blue Team - Leeroy, Nelson, Cara Maria and Jemmye; Dark Blue Team - Camila, CT, Hunter and Kailah; Green Team - Britini, Jordan, Tori and Tony.
And here's when Hunter is relevant. His team actually wins the challenge, which I kind of didn't mind because it has Camila, but I need to mention that I'm really proud of Jenna (and Derrick too, but mostly Jenna) because she was the only girl to get through the challenge and she's so underrated! People have started to be more aware of her, but still, most people think that it's just looks but she's actually pretty good in challenges and she's not that dumb so, I'm really proud of her and I hope she gets into the final.
Then, after the challenge, as usual, that's when things go downhill.
Everyone go out and that's when they get drunk and when they start arguing. First it's between Hunter and Kailah (which is just dumb) but then the real thing happens between Derrick and Nelson (which is also pretty dumb but well). And this was pretty damn serious because Nelson actually punched Derrick in the face and well, we've kind of already seen this in the preview last week and I, right away, said to my sister that he was going to be disqualified and... That was exactly what happened! And that was how the episode ended.
Now, we don't know who CT, Hunter, Camila and Kailah are going to pick for elimination because, although Hunter is going to vote for Jordan, CT was planning on voting for Nelson and now that he's gone... Well, let's see who they are voting for.
And that's pretty much it for today's The Challenge rant. The only other thing that I'm going to say is that my gut still tells me that Jordan and Camila are going to win. I don't know, but that's just my feeling.
Let me know what you guys thought about the episode and your predictions for future episodes and I'll see you later with a new American Horror Story rant.

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