
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Containment | Season 1 Episode 4 - "With Silence and Tears"

Spoiler Alert!

I swear to god, this was the most emotional episode ever! Ok, it wasn't the most emotional one ever, but it sure was the most emotional so far on this series.
I feel like with this episode I got to get to know every character even better and fall in love with their story, even with Leo.
I liked specially Lex and Jana's relationship and Jake and Katie's. Sure, Jake and Katie aren't together yet but this episode made me ship them even harder! Just to think that before the show started I hated the thought of them together and now... I'm here rooting for them to get together. But just after all of this virus thing end, because I don't want my dear Jake to die.
Ok, enough rambling and let's get in to the actual episode (even though all I talked about is related to the episode but... you get it.)
Things are getting worse and better at the same time in and outside the cordon. 
The episode starts with a message from Lex to the people inside the Cordon saying that the fact that they shut down phone connection and internet connection is actually making the kills drop, which is a good thing. The down side is that Lex is starting to doubt all that Dr. Lommers have been telling him and I could see him struggling with the fact that he couldn't reach Jana and, truly, all he wanted was to know that she's fine and be with her during all of this.
I'm gonna jump a little bit ahed and say that they eventually end up talking on the phone, because Jana is super duper smart and she manages to get a phone connection and they talk a little bit. Not enough, though but it was nice for both of them to hear each others voice. And, in the very end of the episode, we see Jana at the window with a sign saying "I Love You Lex" and a drone that is watching the inside of the cordon is 'filming' it and  Lex ends up seeing the sign. It was such a cute moment! I even cried!
Meanwhile, Jake and Katie start to develop a bigger connection. Jake is even getting close to her son.
This episode truly showed us who Jake really is and this is exactly how I imagine Chris Wood to be. I don't really know why. I mean, I know a little bit how he is, because I've met him before, and in a way, he is a bit like Jake. Chris Wood is really caring and he really shows appreciation towards us, fans and, in a way, Jake is like that too, he just doesn't show his 'affection' that often. But, deep down, he is a caring person, a person who cares about others. 
I could keep going with all this but I think you got the point.
So, this episode made me fall in love even more with both Jake and Chris Wood and I'm starting to like Jake more with each episode!
And, like I said before, I even started to understand Leo's point. 
I think I should also mention a big part in this episode, which was the fact that Xander, Teresa's boyfriend tried to get inside the Cordon, failed it but, with Leo's help he got in and he basically made a deal with Leo. Leo would help him get inside the cordon and, in exchange, Xander would tell him how his friends inside the cordon are. In the end, we see that Leo's friends dies with the virus and, in that moment, I felt really bad for Leo. 
In the end, just Dr. Lommers (who wasn't even in this episode) is 'fine' with all this.
Also, that gang that tried to rob Teresa and her mum tries to do the same again but some other gang intervenes and basically gets in charde of the supermarket.
Overall, this was a really good episode! I really liked it, even though I feel like not much happened. I feel like, comparing this one with the previous one, this one was a lot more soft, even though we got deep in to the character's relationships.
Tell me what you guys thought of this episode and I'll see you tomorrow with a new Arrow rant.

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