
Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Containment | Season 1 Episode 3 - "Be Angry at the Sun"

Spoiler Alert!

I swear, this series gets more and more intense with each episode!
This episode was, by far, the most intense one, which I quite enjoyed, in a weird way. Also, I really liked the fact that Chris Wood had a lot of screen time! I mean, he always does but I think he had a bit more in this episode.
Also, with this being the 3rd episode of the series, I now finally start developing proper feelings about each and every character. Until now, I've been just getting used to the characters and trying to understand them and now, I finally have a little bit of an opinion.
Of course Jake is one of my favourites, but I also really like Lex and Jana, and also their relationship. I also kind of ship Jake and Katie. Not as much as I ship other couples in other shows, but I'm getting there. And, of course, I also have strong not so good feelings about some characters, like, for example, Dr. Lommers! She really is a b*tch and, I'm sorry about the language but, it's true! And after this episode, I think everyone is going to feel the same way about her. Which is kind of a shame, because I really like the actress, Claudia Black.
But yeah, let's get in to the proper rant.
Like I said before, Jake played an huge part in this episode. With being almost the only cop inside the cordon, he basically have to get in charge of everything, starting with helping Dr. Cannerts with disposing the bodies of the ones that died because of the virus. I think I should also mention now that we learn that, once the person dies, the virus dies too, which is kind of nice, it means that, at least, there's a way for all this to 'end'.
Anyway, poor Jake have to deal with all those dead people. He has to incinerate them and you can see in his face that it pains him. That, and also all the rage against Lex because, yes, he's still kind of mad at him. 
But that doesn't prevents Lex from asking, and later demand, Jake to basically be the 'Major' inside the cordon.
Meanwhile all this happens, the parents of the students that Katie was taking care of arrive to pick them but not all of them are inside the cordon, so she's left with some of them. And accident ends up happening and one of the students gets in contact with someone infected with the virus so he get in quarenteen. But, his dad arrives a few hours later and demands to take home his son and he even points a gun at Katie. The boy ends up leaving with his dad and I feel like he's going to be the one who's going to make all of this get worse.
Also, Teresa's storyline gets a tiny little bit more exciting when some guys go to her mother's store to rob some food. Jake ends up getting there in time and so nothing bad happens.
And then, we have the main storyline of the episode, which was the fact that Leo Green keeps posting stuff about what's happening inside the Cordon online and people is getting more scared every second. Lex talks to him so he'll stop posting those videos but he doesn't do it and he even ends up finding out that there's an excape from inside to outside the cordon and, of course he posted it online.
Lex and everyone else find about that in time and you can imagine that it wasn't pretty. Every cop outside the cordon in the place that there was the excape and then Jake and the few cops that were inside the cordon in the same place trying to 'contain' the people so no one would get out.
Of course, someone is about to get out when he's shot. It's one of the cops that is with Jake and... That was such a surprise like, I was in shock when I saw that scene.
After than, something 'kind of' worse happen. Dr. Lommers shuts down all the internet and phone connection inside the cordon which leaves a lot of peple, including Lex pissed! And, that's the reason why I'm so mad at her and hate her so much!
Anyway, I just want to see the next episode because this keeps getting better and better!
Let me know your thoughts about this episode or just about the whole show in the comments! I would love to chat with you!

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