
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Arrow | Season 8 Episode 10 - "Fadeout"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everybody!
Yes, the time has come. We have to say goodbye to Arrow. I took some time with this post, not because I was dealing with the end of the show, but because I had other stuff going on because, the truth is, I'm pretty happy with how the series ended. The episode did not have a story-line, that is the truth, but it's fine because we got the happy ending that we wanted (at least, I did) and really, overall, it was just an homage to the whole show and I loved that.
I also filmed my reaction to the episode and the video is up on my channel ( so, feel free to check it out.
This last episode of the show really was a memory lane of all that makes the series great, starting with flashbacks. I'm not sure if there were new flashbacks or if we has seen them before (I'm pretty sure we did) but we saw something from when Oliver was only working with Diggle and going after the names on his father's list. That thing ties with the present, when one of those guys that Oliver killed, now, in this new universe, is alive and ends up kidnapping young William, who ends up being saved by older Mia who is invited to Oliver's funeral by Sara. And that is the main focus of the whole episode - Oliver's Funeral. 
The Funeral sparks a lot of comebacks and, since Oliver rebooted the Universe, basically all the characters are alive - Tommy, Quentin, Moira... Among with those cameos, at Oliver's Funeral were also Nyssa, Talia, Rory (Ragman) and, of course, the ones that have been in Oliver's life recently - Diggle, Lyla, Dinah, Laurel (Earth-2 Laurel), Rene, Thea, Roy and, of course, Felicity.
But speaking of Thea and Roy, probably my favorite part of the episode, was that Roy proposed to Thea and she said yes! I was so happy with that! Really! It never crossed my mind (I was way too focused on Olicity) but I loved that moment and I'm so happy for them!
Back to the Funeral, I forgot to mention that Barry and Kara also attended the Funeral, which was really sweet. I mean, I don't care much about Kara, but Barry had to me there! Barry and Oliver are probably my favorite bromance and Barry was there when Oliver died so he had to be at the Funeral. Also, I loved when Felicity said that she knew that Barry did everything he could because she knows him. That was so sweet! And, of course, we have to talk about Felicity! 
You all know that Felicity is my favorite character on the show and this finale wouldn't be the same without her, mainly, because of that very last scene!
In the very end, we see a flashback from last season, when Felicity goes with The Monitor to where Oliver was and, in this episode, we see where she went. They basically say it's the Afterlife, which probably means they are both dead, but they also mention that Oliver kind of still is the Spectre, which might mean that he's looking after all the other characters and I like to think that way and I like to think that Oliver and Felicity are living happily, wherever they are. And that is basically how the series ends. Olicity together! That was as close to an happy ending as we could get so I'm really happy with that!
But, before I end this post, I just wanted to touch on some other things that they mentioned about the other characters. 1) Rene is still running for Mayor (as we saw in the flash-forwards) 2) Dinah leaves Star City and that's probably how the events of the last episode end up happening and 3) the thing that we've been waiting for - Diggle as Green Lantern! Okay, it doesn't exactly happen but, as he's leaving with Lyla and the kids to Metropolis, he sees a meteor crash and finds a box containing an object emitting a green light, which can only mean one thing - Green Lantern. Also, he's moving to Metropolis and the Superman and Lois TV show is going to happen so... Is Diggle going to be on that?! I sure hope so because I want to see him as Green Lantern.
But yeah, I guess that's it for Arrow.
I'm really sad that one of my favorite series (another one, actually) has ended (and Supernatural is the next one) but I liked this ending and, unlike TVD, this was an happy ending so... I'm happy.
Let me know what you thought of Arrow's season finale. Did you like the ending? Or you didn't care about Olicity? Tell me everything and I'll see you (pretty soon) with a new rant!

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