Spoiler Alert!
Hello people!
O-M-G! I have so much to talk to you about this episode of American Horror Story! This, right here, is the reason why I love this show so much and, just into episode 3 I can tell you that this season is, for sure, going to be on my TOP 3 favorite AHS seasons!
The episode was everything that I wanted and, like I said, I have so many thoughts and predictions so let's just jump right into it.
This week, the episode started rather oddly. I mean, we almost forget about all the events in the previous episode because the first things that we see is Michael interviewing everyone, getting to know their true selves and just trying to see who is evil (which, in the end, it's all that matters to him). It's pretty clear who he thinks is worth going to the Sanctuary (at least, in my opinion) - Mallory, Mr. Gallant and Dinah Stevens. I'm still on defense about Timothy and Emily, but I'll get into that later.
The interview gets particularly heated with Mallory (literally), when he keeps pushing her and she tells him that she doesn't know who she is and that she feels like someone else is inside her (hints for my prediction). Then, we get something quite amazing! She tries to leave and Michael keeps pushing her, ending in her making some flames shoot and Michael showing his true self to her (his demonic side, which I loved!).
After that, we get some resolution from the ending of last episode. We do find out that Ms. Mead is a robot and that she was basically made by the Cooperative.
While talking to Venable, the later confesses that she knows that she's not going to the Sanctuary and that's when they both decide the best thing to do is to just kill everyone.
Then, we move to something completely different and see that Brock is alive and has been looking for Coco and the place where she went. He sees a carriage pass by and then he decides to 'get a lift', arriving at the Outpost 3.
Venable and Ms. Mead decide to go see what's in the carriage and, in there, find a box with apples. That's when they decide to put their plan into action and put some venom in the apples, in order to kill everyone in a 'party' made just for that purpose.
Brock infiltrates Outpost 3 and attends Venable's party. Then, in a costume, he meats with Coco and, thinking that it's Langdon, she seduces him and takes him to her bedroom. There, Brock reveals himself to Coco and stabs her in the forehead.
Meanwhile, at the party, it comes the time to eat the apples and... everyone drops dead.
I have to say, I was surprised with this. I thought that Michael would appear or something and just ruin their plan but, he decided to ruin that later when Venable and Ms. Mead go to his bedroom and decide to shoot him. Of course this doesn't work and, instead, Michael makes Mead kill Venable and then, that's when we find out that Michael was the one to make her and that he had a 'prototype', making Mead 'look' like someone he meat in his childhood. This leads me to believe that his 'prototype' was Constance, that's what makes sense to me.
With basically everyone dead, that's when the witches come to action!
Cordelia Goode, Madison Montgomery and Myrtle Snow descend upon Outpost 3 and Cordelia revives three girls - Mallory, Dinah and Coco. And, in the very end, Madison says her iconic line to Mallory, and that's how the episode ends.
This was such a roller coaster and I have so many thoughts so let's get into them.
First we need to talk about Madison and her line. Besides being iconic from Scream Queens, it is also something that she said to Fiona and she came back to life in Coven. This makes me think that Fiona is 'inside' Mallory and that's why she felt like someone was inside her. Then, I was really confused on why she also revived Coco and Dinah but, after something thinking, my bet is that those girls are also witches from Coven in other bodies. I think that Dinah is, in fact, Misty and that Coco might be Nan. I say might because my next prediction is that they think she's Nan, that's why they revived her but, turns out, she isn't and she'll eventually die, for real. I also think this because we know that Lily Rabe is going to come back to play Misty so my bet is that she's going to be able to get to her real body but not Fiona, since Jessica Lange is just back for her role as Constance. This way, Billie Lourd will still be Mallory/Fiona. Oh, I guess I also need to had that, if you think about it, Dinah as always been the one to think the bright side of things and be grateful for stuff so that's why I say she's, in fact, Misty.
Now, to my next prediction.
There's no way all those people are dead for real, mostly Timothy and Emily. The stuff about their DNA is gonna come to action. They must be important to Michael for some reason so I think Michael is going to resurrect some of those people that died - Timothy, Emily and Mr. Gallant are my bets. He's going to take them to the Sanctuary - Murder House (yes, I still think Muder House is the Sanctuary), while the Witches are going to take Coco, Dinah and Mallory to their 'Coven House'.
And, well, that is as far as my prediction goes. Of course I also think that some type of battle is going to happen, maybe the Witches will go to the Murder House to fight Michael... I don't know, but a battle is certain!
Okay, I guess that's it from me. What do you guys think of my predictions? Do you agree? Why or why not? Tell me everything and I'll see you in my next post!