
Monday, November 7, 2016

The Vampire Diaries | Season 8 Episode 3 - "You Decided That I Was Worth Saving"

Spoiler Alert!

Another great episode of The Vampire Diaries aired last Friday and this one was where the plot thickens.
I wonder how haven't the producers come up with this season earlier but, once again, just like I mentioned in my last rant, Kevin Williamson is back for this last season so, this great season must have come from him.
Anyway, this episode came with a lot more info about Sybil and this episode also made me have my final decision about my feelings about her - although she's a pretty cool vilain, I hate her!
So, basically in this episode Sybil realizes that both Damon and Enzo care about Bonnie and that's she (Bonnie) is in the cause of any unwillingness they have to submit to her.
That's when Damon goes after Bonnie (after Sybil asks him, of course) and interrupts Caroline dress shopping (because, if you still remember, Caroline is now engaged....).
Something that I quite enjoyed about this episode was the 'girl power' that we saw. Either if it was from Sybil or Caroline and Bonnie, I loved it!
Anyway... Since Sybil's plan doesn't go too well, she decides to go for plan B, which is making Enzo and Damon fight to death. Another option is Bonnie choosing who she wants to live, Damon or Enzo.
Obviously, Bonnie doesn't want to decide, but she doesn't want them to fight either so she tries for another plan.
Meanwhile, Damon goes to Stefan for help, and that's when I get really surprised.
So, my first thought was that asked for Stefan's help in order to make that fight not happening but I was so wrong because, what Damon really wanted was for Stefan to fight Enzo alongside with him, so it would be really Damon who ended up alive.
The things don't go that well and Damon ends up overpowering Enzo and that's the moment Sybil arrives and Bonnie ends up choosing Enzo, so he would stay alive.
Of course, Sybil is not trustworthy and she switches things up saying that Enzo is too stubborn and that she wantes Damon alive anyway so, in order to Enzo not dying, she says that he has to shut his humanity off, threatening Bonnie's life.
That's when the cutest moment happen! You guessed it, a Bonenzo moment!
Enzo realizes that he has to give in and shut his humanity, so he tells Bonnie that, if there's anyone that can bring him back it's her and they kiss! I just love their moments together and I really hope they end up together in the end!
Anyway, Enzo turns off his humanity and, again, Sybil is not trustworthy and she tells Damon to kill Bonnie.
Luckily, Alaric arrives that moment with the 'fork' that he discovered and manages to overpower Sybil, which is pretty fantastic!
With that, the Gang captures Sybil. Unfortunately, Damon and Enzo get way, so not everything is fine, mostly, because right in the end of the episode we find out that Sybil has a sister (which now I think it's going to be the big big bad from this season) and we also see that Sybil, even locked up, can 'manipulate' Damon's mind.
Before the episode ends we see a loved character come back, Tyler, and we also see Damon attacking him.
We know that he isn't going to die because Julie Plec already said that Tyler is going to be in the last episode of the season so... It's not all bad.
And yeah, that's pretty much it guys!
I'm really excited about this season and I'm also really curious to know when is Matt going to come back because, if you haven't noticed yet, he was away from this past three episodes so... Curious about that, also because I've heard that Matt is gonna have something to do with the sirens so, excited!
Anyway, let me know your thoughts about the episode and I'll see you Thursday with a new AHS rant!

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