
Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Shadowhunters | Season 2 Episode 18 - "Awake, Arise, or Be Forever Fallen"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone! Here I am with a brand new Shadowhunters rant!
I never thought I would say this about Shadowhunters but the series is getting really good! I find myself every week craving a new episode, when usually I would be kind of anoyed that there was a new episode to watch and, although I shouldn't really say this, I never really wanted to talk about the episodes here because they were just plain boring and bad. But right now, I really want to talk about them, and you may have already notice it because my Shadowhunters rants have been increasing in size.
I know that the main reason why this is happening is Sebastian aka Will Tudor. I always say this - a season is as good as it's villain - and that's exactly what is happening in this Part B of Shadowhunters. Sebastian/Jonathan is that good of a villain and that makes everything better! Besides, you know I have a soft spot for bad guys and psychopaths so I get even more attached to this characters.
Anyway, let's talk about the proper episode because that's what you're here for.
For me, this episode had two main storylines - Malec and Sebastian/Jonathan.
Let's talk about Jonathan first because I want to leave the cute stuff for the end (and also because I just can't wait to talk about my baby).
The last episode ended with Max finding out about Sebastian being in fact Jonathan. Of course, Jonathan being Jonathan (and being a demon) he had to do something about it and he knocked out Max. At first I thought it was just that, but I guess when he went there the second time he did something to him so it would be like very difficult for him to wake up.
Throughout the whole episode I just kept grinning because we, as an audience, we knew that Sebastian was really Jonathan, and his plan was working pretty well. I was seriously amazed at how everything was working out really smoothly for him. No one suspected it was him! He got to know about the whole plan, find out where the Mortal Mirror was, get away from the security cameras, trick Jace and that fight scene! Can we talk about that fight scene?! I love me some badass guys, even more when they're actually evil! Of course we can't really compare this fight scenes to Arrow's fight scenes, for example, but I believe this was one of the best from this show! And then, he got the Mirror and I was pretty happy about that!
Then, Clary talks about all that stuff about eletron and that's when it came to my mind all those scenes where Sebastian was ironing his hand and all that. He has been practicing his pain tolerance besides, like he said, he was in Edom so he even enjoyed the pain so, I knew he was fine.
But, this episode being one of the last ones for this season, something had to go wrong and Clary suspected him and she saw his burning hand. That's when everything goes downhill and she finds out, he looses the Mortal Mirror and basically everyone ends up finding about him. 
The thing that surprised me the most was the very end, when Clary finds out that the Mirror that she ended up turning to ashes, wasn't the real Mortal Mirror and that the real Mirror is in fact Lake Lyn. That really surprised me, but in a good way though. I always said that that mirror was like a tiny thing and didn't look that special, now I get it. Lake Lyn looks a lot more like a magical thing, althought I was expecting a real mirror, just a more special one.
Anyway, I also have to mention that Max was fine in the end, which I also suspected. This also means that is going to be someone else to die in the season finale. I'm just going to say my thoughts right now and end the rant with a kind of good note.
So, here's my theory, it is going to be either Izzy, Alec, Magnus or Luke. At first, I thought that it couldn't be anyone that was in San Diego Comic Con, but then it left me with only Raphael, Sebastian/Jonathan and Maia, that's why I said Maia in my last rant. Then, I realized it couldn't be her because she was just promoted to Main Cast, so they can't kill her off. This would leave me with only Raphael and Sebastian, and Sebastian will probably die and if he, in fact does, it won't be like sad for the characters, which Kat said it would be sad, neither would it sad if it was Raphael so it as to be someone from the Main Cast, the cast that was at Comic Con.
After realizing that, I went to see who as been talking about Season 3 on social media and the only ones that haven't said anything about starting filming are Emeraude, Matt, Harry and Isaiah. Harry kind of said something but I'm not sure. Right now my bet would be on either Izzy or Luke to die. Let's see. Let me know your thoughts.
So, let's talk about something good now - Malec.
Malec was so damn cute in this episode! All those flashbacks, mainly those ones in the bed were really good. My favourite scene this episode must have been that one when Alec says that Magnus' cat eyes are beautiful. That was a beautiful scene! Unfortunatelly, it had to end badly because Magnus chose to join the Seelie Queen, that b*tch. I really dislike her. Can't wait to see Sarah Hayland as her thought.
And well, that was pretty much it. There was that whole thing with Maia, Simon and Luke and the new werewolf. Oh, and we can't forget about Luke's partner that finds out about the werewolves, that is going to be a problem!
I guess that's it guys! Next episode is going to be the second to last this season and I'm seriously really excited! I just hope Sebastian doesn't die because I love him and Will Tudor is freaking amazing so, fingers crossed Sebastian/Jonathan doesn't die!
Let me know who you think is going to die and I'll see you tomorrow with a new The Challenge rant!

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