
Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Arrow | Season 6 Episode 1 - "Fallout"

Spoiler Alert!

Wow! What was that episode?!
Arrow is starting right away with an amazing season premiere and I can say, right of the batch, that this season of Arrow is going to be better then The Flash (once again).
I take what I said about first episodes not being that good because this one was everything that I wanted! There was just one slight thing that I didn't enjoy but everything else was on point and I'm seriously so happy with this episode!
Right in the beginning of the episode we see some flashbacks from what happened after the explosion and first it was really nice to see the flashbacks still there and second we find out right away some of the characters that are still alive, starting with Diggle, Rene and Curtis! We already knew that Rene was going to be alive but it was nice to be sure that both Diggle and Curtis are also alive.
We also see, in the flashbacks, that Slade goes to the ship alone, while the others go to take refuge in the plane, apart from Samantha who goes after William and Thea who goes after Samantha, which basically proves my theory, right away, that Thea and Samantha are going to be the ones who die in the island. We also see that Diggle gets injured while saving Felicity.
Later in the episode, also in flashbacks, we see that Dinah and Quentin find Black Siren who tries to kill Dinah making Quentin shoot her (Black Siren), leaving her there to die. Black Siren ends up not dying (like we already knew) and is saved by an unknown man (which I assume is going to be this season's villain).
In the present, we see that Thea is not really dead but in a coma, which was the only thing that I didn't really like about the episode. As sad is it makes me feel that Thea would be dead, I just think they should've had like an actual major death, and that Thea should be that person. She isn't like major major but she's Oliver's sister so she is important enough. As bad as this sounds, I hope she dies because it would make the last season finale way more shocking and like 'important'.
Anyway, we also see that William blames Oliver for his mum's death and that left me really sad. I just want to see a father/son relationship between them so I hope they can work things out in the next episodes.
And, since we're in the topic of family, it is pretty clear that this season's theme is going to be family, mostly father/son/daughter. Not only because of Oliver and William, but also because Rene and his daughter, which they brought up and I really liked it and also because of Quentin and Black Siren/Laurel, which I believe is also going to be something major this season.
Well, the rest of the episode is the 'usual' bad guy they have to fight. The only thing here is that the bad guy is Black Siren and that, in the end, she ends up stealing one of Curtis T-Sferes which I predit it is for that guy who saved her.
Also, to be totally fair with you, I still have hopes that Josh Segarra gets back to the show as an Adrian twin or something because I just think he was perfect on Arrow and I just miss him. Seriously, it was so good to see him in the 'previously'. I really hope they do something with him. Maybe even be the Vigilante, which we don't know who it is still so, let's hope.
To finish the rant I need to talk about that cliffhanger in the end of the episode which was like huge! Seriously, leaking photos of Oliver had the Green Arrow?! Wow, that was a major plot twist! I wasn't expecting that at all and I'm really curious to see how they are going to deal with it because personally, I have no idea.
Ok, that's it guys. Overall, I think this was an amazing season premiere and I seriously can't wait for the next episode!
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you soon with a new AHS rant!

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