
Thursday, January 4, 2018

The Challenge: Champs vs Stars | Season 2 Episode 7 - "Sink, Purge, Repeat"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and Happy New Year!
That's right, we are already in 2018 and we're starting this year's rants with a The Challenge, and a pretty good one, I might say.
To be totally fair with you, I thought this was going to be the last episode, since the new The Challenge season started in the same day as this episode aired, but there's still going to be one more episode in the next week, which I'm pretty excited about.
Of course you already know by now that the reason why I really liked this episode was because Bananas got through to the final! 
This episode was, like the title says, some type of Purge - a last challenge where they were competing by themselves - and the result was going to be one winning guy and one winning girl from each team and them, which we found out in the end of the episode, the guy and girl from which team were the ones to choose another player to join them. But, before talking about that, let's talk about the actual challenge.
This was an endurance challenge and an under water challenge which, obviously, we had to hear Wes talk about how good of a swimmer he is and bla bla bla... You know how annoyed with that I get. 
The challenge was an obstacle course under water so it wasn't really about swimming but more about holding your breath and just, overall, endurance really so it was karma that Wes wasn't the best one. Actually, in the end, we saw all the times and CT was the second best from the Champs team, after Bananas, of course and, like Wes said, Bananas isn't the best swimmer, but he's good at doing the obstacles so, I loved it! As for the girls, it was really close, but Emily won, which I'm ok with that, I'm not a big fan of either girls so...
And well, when it comes to the Stars team, Josh won by far, Matt had 10 minutes more that Josh so, not even close but the girls were really close. Overall, none of the girls were great but, in the end, Michelle was the best one, which creates a little bit of tension, since both of them are from different 'sides' and they have to choose, together, another player to join them. So, to solve that problem, as we see in the episode, right in the very end, they are just going to through a coin and see what happens. Personally, I would choose Justina because I think she's the best one in terms of doing anything and actually doing things the right way and being good at them so, I would choose them.
As far as the Champs Team, I need to mention the fact that Wes really tried to bribe Bananas and Emily and, right in that moment, it was a no for me. I mean, I wouldn't choose him anyway, neither would Bananas so... In my opinion, they should choose CT, which s exactly what Bananas says, but Emily kind of disagrees. She thinks Zach is the best and that's when CT says that Zach 'died' in the last final that he was in and that's true, she isn't the best and I truly believe CT is the best one to pick. Like Emily said, he's not in the best shape but he does everything and mostly he's really good in things that both Bananas and Emily aren't that great, like puzzles and eating disgusting things so I would choose him and I really hope they choose him.
Anyway, let me know who you think they are going to choose (and who you would want them to choose, if it's not the same person) and I'll see you very soon with the rant of the new The Challenge season - Vendettas.

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