
Sunday, February 3, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 12 - "Prophet and Loss"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
So, here I am with a new Supernatural rant.
I have to be honest with you, it's only been one day since I watched the episode and I can't really remember what happened so... That says quite a lot about what I thought of the episode. Overall, it was a nice episode but there was not much about it. The main issue of the episode ended just like I was expecting so... There wasn't much of a twist but okay, let's really get into it.
I'm going to start right away with the less interesting story of the episode which was Nick. In this episode he basically got out of the hospital where he was kept (in custody of the police) and went back to his old house where he got face to face with the ghost of his wife and, the thing is, he thought she was Lucifer and, in the end, he basically said that he prefers Lucifer to his wife so... That was basically it with Nick's story-line.
At the same time, Sam continues to attempt to talk Dean out of his plan while convincing him to take the case of a strange double murder. They then discover that 'the killer' is a 'soon to be prophet' due to Donatello's state (being in a coma). This killer - Tony Alvarez - says that he hears the voice of God and, when Sam and Dean tell him that he doesn't he kills himself.
To prevent further corruption of the Prophet line, the Winchesters and Castiel reluctantly decide that they must remove Donatello from life support and just let him die. That is, until they realize that Donatello's mind is trying to rebuild itself so Castiel goes into action and helps Donatello, waking him up well and no longer twisted.
And well, in the end, Sam is able to convince Dean to not go through with the plan (at least, not for now) and see if they can find another way. That's pretty much it.
Like I said, there wasn't much to this episode and that ending was pretty obvious like, were you really expecting to not see Dean for 8 more episodes? If Dean does go through with the plan, it will be like in the last episode and ending with a big cliffhanger. But, we do now know that Supernatural was already renewed for Season 15 so... Dean isn't going anywhere.
Well, let me know what you thoughts of this episode and what are your predictions for the rest of the season and I'll talk to you guys in my next rant.

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