
Thursday, February 21, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds | Season 33 Episode 3 - "Casualties of War"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
So, my worst nightmare just came true.
If you've seen the episode you already know what I'm talking about and, if you didn't, I advise you to go watch the episode first because, like it says in the beginning of this post, this contains tons of spoilers - starting now. Yes, my man Bananas went home in the 3rd episode. Can you believe it?! More and more I think that the series is rigged and they don't want Bananas in it anymore, but I'll get into that in a minute. Overall, I have mixed feelings about this episode. For once, Bananas went home and, obviously, I hate that but, on the other hand, the episode had the structure that I like and the challenges (the first one, at least) was really good and the type of challenges that I expect from this series.
Anyway, the episode actually begins right where the last one left off, with us finding about the relic but, this time, we learn that who wins the elimination and wins the relic is safe from next weeks elimination, which I think is fair enough and prevents from the same teams going into elimination.
After that, we see a bit of drama, but not like a lot, we just see some people 'hooking' up and stuff, you know, the usual, and we move pretty quickly to the challenge of the week (once again, something that I'm loving this season). It is a physical challenge, again, what I like, and there's a lot that goes into it (you know, I'm not the best at describing the challenges and I assume you've seen the episode so I don't really need to be here explaining it) I just know that Bananas and Morgan were one of the first teams to get disqualified and, after the preview that we saw for this episode, that wasn't a good sign (turned out to be worst than I thought it would be). The whole thing was pretty bad in terms of my favorite teams getting disqualified and, in the end, the three teams to be in the Tribunal were the worst - Wes and Dee, Paulie and ninja Natalie, Kam and Ashley C. - all teams that have someone that I hate.
As everyone was expecting, Bananas was the first team to get nominated. Also not a surprise was Kyle's team (because Paulie was in the Tribunal) and then the layup team was Amanda and Josh which I was really okay with (you know that).
When it came to the actual voting (the separate votes) it got to a tie and, as you can expect, TJ warned them about the tie, but not saying what would happen if they didn't get to a decision. Truth is, everyone wanted to know what would happen but no one wanted to at the same time so Ashley C changed his vote and that's when Bananas and Morgan were sent into elimination. To be honest, because every time there's a tie, something 'bad' happens to the ones that can't decide, I think this time nothing would happen, instead, I think it would be the safe team (in this case Hunter and Georgia) to choose the team to go in. I guess we'll eventually find out because there's always someone that isn't afraid and just won't change their vote.
So, Bananas was voted in and he chose to go against Zach, all because in the challenge he throw the ball that Wes ended up catching getting him to the Tribunal. I think it was kind of a mistake (obviously it was) because Zach didn't mean it and we see that he's genuinely sorry to make that mistake so... I felt sorry for Zach, even if I wanted Bananas to win.
I don't need to get into much detail, we already know that Bananas lost and won't come back and now Zach is safe. I guess I'm going to keep rooting for my girl Jenna now (let's see Jenna get to the final once again).
This is my take on the latest The Challenge episode. Needless to say that I'm really bummed that Bananas went home but you already know that I'm going to keep watching the series anyway so... Let's just hope Amanda is sent home next (fingers crossed).
Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you next week.

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