
Thursday, October 6, 2016

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 1 - "Flashpoint"

Spoiler Alert!

That's right guys, new series here on the blog!
Well, not really new because I once did a rant of The Flash last year, but it was just because there was a crossover episode between Arrow and The Flash, so I had to do it. But, this time, I'm really doing rants of The Flash, like every single episode. I liked the last season so much that I thought I have to do rants this year so here it is, the first one!
I got very lucky because I had the oportunity to watch it live, which I never could because The Flash airs on a Tuesday and I have classes really early on Wednesday and you know, timezones and all so, I never could... But, this time, I had Wednesday off so, obviously I took the time to watch it live. Unfortunatelly, my link wasn't really bad so I had to rewatch the episode, which isn't that bad, actually.
Anyway, so I have to say that I got a bit disappointed with this episode. Not that it was totally bad, it was quite good, but I just thought it was going to be better and greatter. They got through flashpoint so quickly... I thought they were going to make at least, about 5 episodes with Barry in the flashpoint universe but, instead, they just mentioned that he spent 3 months there and showed him there in this first episode and, by the end of the episode, he's back in his real timeline. The good part is that I think the next episodes are going to be really good, because although he's back to 'the real life', some things have changed. One of them being the relationship between Iris and Joe, and we don't know what else have changed so, it's going to be interesting to see the rest of the season play out.
I think I should also mention that we got a bit of Eobard Thawne in this episode, being him the only one that could actually take Barry back to his timeline. Also, in the flashpoint timeline, we got a glimpse of a new villain. 
At the beginning, I thought it was just a 'small' villan just for flashpoint but, turns out, that same villain, called The Rival, is also 'alive' in the real timeline. The only difference is that in the 'real world' he isn't a villain yet.
And yeah... I also gotta say that I didn't really like flashpoint's Cisco and I hope he isn't this way now on the 'real world'. And I'm also curious to know how Wally is gonna become Kid Flash in this new timeline, since in the flashpoint he was already Kid Flash.
To end this rant, obviously I have to talk about those last seconds of the episode, which are always really exciting. In this one we see that 'The Rival', who's real name is Edward Clariss, is confroted by a mysterious voice giving him the message 'Alchemy' (which I have no clue what it is).
And, that's basically it guys.
Overall, not the best episode but with a great ending which makes me so excited for future episodes! What also makes me really excited is Tom Felton who, sadly, wasn't in this episode yet. So, can't wait for that as well.
So, tell me in the comments your thoughts about this first episode which was really hyped for the past months and also tell me if you like the fact that I'm now also doing The Flash rants. 
Until next time, which is probably going to be in a few minutes because I have an AHS and an Arrow rant to update so, yeah.

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