Spoiler Alert!
Hello everyone!
Here I am with Part 3 of this 'crossover' and... I have mixed feelings about this episode. It wasn't nearly as good as the previous one, but it also wasn't as bad as the first of the season so... I guess it was fine?! The main core of the story was pretty strong - Barry and Jefferson - but everything else, although interesting story-wise, it was handled in a really weird way. I don't know if it was the writing, the acting or a bit of both, but those stories with Cecile and the one with Iris were really weak.
But, let's start with the good! As I was saying, the main conflict of the episode between Jefferson and Barry was really good! Good story and strong performances. It then got a bit lame by the end, when Barry went all out on Jefferson, and then it got pretty cheesy but, overall, I liked what they did there.
Basically Barry wanted Jefferson to take away his powers. Apparently, that was what the Injustice protocol said - if any of the heroes went rogue, the others would have to take away their powers, and in this case, it looks like Jefferson was meant to be the one 'in charge' of Barry. I don't know why exactly, but probably because both of their powers come from electricity so... That might be the reason. And they almost do it, until Jefferson finds out what Barry was keeping from him and they they fight and, during that fight, they shatter the box with Oliver's things and that's when they had a meaningful talk and Jefferson is able to change Barry's mind. As said, interesting and definitely the best part about the episode, even if it did get a bit too much.
Meanwhile, there's other two story-lines going on - one with Cecile, Caitlin, Chester and Rosa, and another one with Allegra and Iris. And all of this because Iris believes Joe is alive and someone is framing Barry, but Cecile just thinks Iris is in denial and so they fight over this and decide to go follow different plans - Iris looking into Joe's 'death' and Cecile trying to find Barry. Honestly, the fight between the two was so bad - bad writing and bad acting - and just now I'm realizing that Danielle Nicolet is not really a great actress, and even more when she's trying to be bad. She can't play a villain character like at all, and that's kinda sad, actually.
Well, believe it or not, in this case I was on Iris side and I actually think her story-line was way more interesting. And she does find out something - she goes to Deon and he discovers that someone tapped into the Negative Still Force and changed the timeline and killed Joe. At the same time, Cecile does find Barry but Despero gets to them and gets inside Cecile and Rosa's mind and find where Barry is as well.
While in the Hall of Justice, Jefferson is able to hold off Despero while Barry runs and travels to 2023. There, Barry witnesses a future Iris celebrating her marriage to Eobard Thawne alongside Team Flash, Alex, Ryan Choi and Ryan Wilder (I still haven't seen the last two seasons of Batwoman). The episode ends with everyone asking Barry why he's there.
Well, I guess people were right - the Reverse Flash is behind all of this. On one hand I'm happy, because he's an interesting villain (also, if this is the last season, it would come full circle if Thawne was the bad guy again) but I also think it's more of the same so... I guess we'll see where this goes.
There's only two more episode left so let me know your predictions as well as your thoughts on this episode and I'll see you soon with a new rant!
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