
Saturday, November 27, 2021

The Flash | Season 8 Episode 2 - "Armageddon, Part 2"

Spoiler Alert!



I know, I know... I'm super late with this rant but I did watch the episode live so, if you ever want to have a quick reaction of the episode, just catch me live tweeting. But anyway...

This was Part 2 of the Armageddon 'crossover' and, actually, I was pleasantly surprised with it! The villain still feels a little rough and not great, but this episode addressed some of the issues and questions that we, the audience, have been wondering for years!

Everything started with Barry went to investigate an insane security guard, but pretty soon Kramer forces him to turn in his badge saying that there's an investigation on him suspecting that he was a CCPD mole for Joseph Carver. This was fun because we have always been wondering about Barry being a CSI and him kind of 'tampering' with the evidence and using his job to have some information to later on help as the Flash. We always accepted that nothing happened because everything he does is to help Central City, but the truth is, he has done some stuff to some evidence and so this turn of events addressed that. But that wasn't the worst of it.

Later, STAR Labs is raided and shut down after a radiation spike, so Barry has Gideon erase everything (including herself) and Chester and Allegra hide some of their tech. This was the most fun of the episode! We have been wondering for years about STAR Labs and how no one ever noticed that that is the Flash headquarters or have never shut it down after the particle accelerator explosion so... Here they did something about it and it was super interesting to see Team Flash move to Chester's garage and have an improvised computer with satellite connection and all of that. 

And lastly, Barry deals with the 'bad guy of the episode' which today was a psychic meta-criminal named Xotar, that caused him to go insane while fighting her. He did end up catching her but he also attacked the city as well as Caitlin, Chester and Allegra. He then comes to his senses and, because he did catch the bad guy, he suggests they celebrate with Joe West, but Team Flash informs him that he died six months prior.

That was kind of a shock, mainly for Barry obviously, but to me, it was kind of obviously. Ever since last episode, I felt like I missed something. I always assumed I just didn't remember well how the last season ended, because I didn't remember Kramer being the captain and I didn't know where Joe where. Because of that, I just assumed that he died last season and I didn't remember about it. Well, turns out that he died but off-screen and Barry doesn't remember. So it was surprising, but not really.

At that moment, when Barry is confronted with both the fact that he attacked the city and that Joe has been dead for six months, Despero arrives to kill Barry, but Team Flash allows him to escape. Barry goes to the Hall of Justice, where he meets Jefferson Pierce aka Black Lighting and asks for help. And the episode ends like that.

I seriously hope it isn't super connected to the Black Lightning show because I haven't seen the last season yet, but that is the 'crossover' of the next episode. This episode, I completely forgot to mention, the 'crossover' was Alex from Supergirl, but she barely was in the episode, only contacting them via Skype or something for like 2 minutes. This is why I don't think this really counts as a crossover. It's just a normal season of The Flash with a few special guests. They have done special guests before, so I why call this a crossover now? I mean, I know why... To get people hyped and watch it. But I don't think it's working that well... People are watching it but not really enjoying it that much - not as a crossover, at least - so... Yeah... This was dumb. I am curious about where this is going though, so we'll see...

Let me know what you think is going on as well as your thoughts on this 'crossover' so far and I'll see you in my next rant!



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