
Wednesday, November 17, 2021

The Sinner | Season 4 Episode 3 - "Part III"

Spoiler Alert!


Hey! Back for another round of The Sinner rants!

Well, and the plot thickens. Again, just like last season, I feel like this season is giving us enough information that we sort of figure out what is going to happen in the next episode, but I'm pretty sure we're far from figuring out what is really going on with that family. Also, the way the episode ended... I think they're tricking us. We saw a body in the water and they made us believe its Percy but... I don't think so... Wild guess? Maybe its CJ Lam? Maybe he decided to go look for Percy and somebody stopped him? I don't know... We don't have enough information for that, but this episode did give us a ton of information about that time that Percy was away from the island so... Let's talk about that!

First of all, I guess I was sort of wrong - she wasn't pregnant. I mean, they never talked about that and, having in mind that she was with a roommate for about a month and Caroline never told Harry about a pregnancy... My bet is that she really wasn't. However, I still believe that somebody in her family was molesting her - more specifically her uncle Colin.

We also find out in this episode that Percy's mother is alive and, actually, Percy went to her when she ran away - before she went to live with Caroline. However, I don't really think there's more to unpack here. I'm pretty sure Rise - Percy's mother - told everything to Harry. I mean, everything that concerns Percy because, as she said, there's a lot more to that family and to Meg, so maybe Harry will end up going to her again to find out more about Meg but... As of now, I think the focus will be on the Muldoon family and the people in the island.

But before I end, we need to talk about that dinner scene! That was intense! And I don't know if Harry did the right thing at telling them everything he knows but, at the same time, that made him uncover a few things about Sean and, turns out, Sean was the one driving Percy's car so, everything that concerned the car, doesn't really matter to the investigation - and that's why they led us to believe that Percy is, in fact, dead. I still doubt that, but we'll see...

And yeah, I guess that's it for now. I'm super invested and I can't wait to find more clues because, lets be honest - the clues part is as interesting as finding the truth so... Let's see where this leads us. In the meantime, let me know what you have been thinking about this season and I'll be back soon with another rant!!



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