
Sunday, November 21, 2021

The Sinner | Season 4 Episode 6 - "Part VI"

Spoiler Alert!



Here I am with the final (for now) episode of The Sinner. It took me a while to catch up with the episodes but I finally did it and, to be honest, I'm glad I've done it this way because this way I didn't have to wait long for each episode and I could just get to the bottom of everything right away, which was what we got here.

I'm pretty sure the main mystery is over - we found out that, most likely, Percy saw what illegal things Brandon and her father and uncle were up to (heck, maybe they even got her to join them and she wanted out) and Brandon threatened her and she just ended up jumping off the cliff. To be honest, I think Brandon didn't want to do anything to her and who made her jump was Collin. I think Collin is the most guilty out of everyone so I'm going to stick with that prediction. But what illegal things were they up to? Well, I'm pretty sure it has something to do with trafficking.

Early in the season we predicted that they were trafficking drugs but it's so much worth - human trafficking. I don't know if it's human trafficking, sex trafficking or just 'simply' getting people illegally into the country, but is one of the three. To be honest, I'm leaning more into the last one, mainly because of what Mike Lam said in the station to his wife - he didn't want to say anything because he wanted to protect his wife and son, which probably means that he got into the country legally but the wife and son didn't so... I would say that, but it can really be any.

I don't know how Harry's going to prove that because in the end of the episode we see two guys that chased Harry burning the boat which, by the way, completely forgot to mention that Valerie was the name of the boat, which was really clever and never crossed my mind. But anyway, Harry will have a hard time proving anything but, honestly, I don't even think he'll get out alive.

The episode ends with Meg taking Harry into her house and Sean calling someone (most likely Collin) saying that Meg took Harry there so they'll do something about him and, having in mind that it was just announced that this will be The Sinner's last season... My bet is that Harry won't even survive, but who knows... One thing is for sure, Meg will find out about everything and I guess I was wrong about her. She might have been a b*tch to Percy, but she cared and didn't really do anything wrong. Also, she believed Harry and she really grew on me this last few episodes so, I hope she finds out everything and does something about it. But I guess that's it from me.

Let me know your thoughts on all this reveals - where you expecting this outcome? What do you think will happen in the next two episodes? Tell me everything and I'll see you in my next rant!



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