
Friday, November 19, 2021

The Challenge: Spies, Lies and Allies | Season 37 Episode 15 - "The Cave of The Wolf"

Spoiler Alert!


Hello everyone!

What a freaking great episode this was! Granted, this was awesome because it ended how I wanted it to end, but still awesome!

We knew that Amanda switching teams would shake up the house but oh damn! This was bonkers! 

The episode actually started pretty tamed. We saw how everyone reacted to Amanda being on Emerald and we saw Sapphire and Ruby finally waking up and Tori and CT talking about a possible team up in order to take down Emerald - and that was how the daily challenge started but... Kyle had to f*ck up.

This was the 'trenches' challenge so we knew it was going to be physical and damn it was! But mostly because Kyle f*cked up and instead of targeting the Emerald Team, he took a dynamite stick from Sapphire and, because it was Kyle, everyone assumed that he was turning on them - that he was a snake and that they shouldn't be working with Ruby anymore. Truthfully, I think Kyle really just got confused. It was sort of a confusing challenge and he probably wasn't paying much attention. Of course they can still argue with that and say that he doesn't know what he's doing most of the time so they can't trust him but c'mon! And then that fight with CT about them not being friends?! I don't know... I just know that I'm not really liking CT's attitude this season - first Big T and now Kyle? Yeah... I don't like it...

Anyway... Sapphire ended up winning in the end, which is better than Emerald winning, but that meant that, most likely, Kyle was going to elimination. Also, there was this whole argument between Tori and Devin and how Tori was targeting Emerald and not helping them... Excuse me! She's on Ruby now so, why would she be helping them?! I mean, I kind of get it but, at the same time, you gotta be looking out for your Team first... I truly felt bad for Tori at that moment, and then seeing her running to Kyle and crying and Kyle consoling her... That was a really touching moment and, honestly, a moment that truly felt real.

As far as nominations go, there wasn't really one person that was going for sure but we all knew Kyle was most likely the one, which is a bummer because he's my favorite guy in there right now (and one of the few that I like, to be honest). He tried to get away from elimination saying that he would go to Sapphire if he won the elimination, but CT didn't buy it and they threw Kyle into the Lair anyway. And that that point Emanuel really thought he was going in. Not only Kyle said that he would most likely pick him but also he's the only Rookie that hasn't been down there yet so... But, to be honest, how Kyle talked and after Amanda saying that he should be selfish and whatnot, for a moment I really thought he was going to pick Devin... But no... In the end, it was between Emanuel and Josh and everything came down to what he saw down there, and he ended up picking Josh.

Actually, I thought it was a good decision. It looked like something that involved agility and balance, like Kyle said, and Emanuel looks like he would be great at that. Not only that but, in the end, Kyle did end up winning! That's right, it was a really nerve-wrecking elimination and it was really neck-a-neck, but Kyle did win at the end and not just that but he also sent Josh home so, win-win! And, Kyle did go to Sapphire in the end so... I guess CT is now regretting his decision. I kind wish he went back to Ruby though, because they were the only one rooting for him, but I also like some payback so... I liked this.

Overall, this was a great episode - one of the best this season - and I can't wait to see what the next one brings! The preview didn't show much - just one of those challenges that resemble a final - so I have no idea what's going to happen. I just hope that Emerald looses again. I hope Ruby wins though, they're still my favorite team (I also want Big T to be save, to be honest) but, as long as Emerald doesn't win, I'm fine.

Let me know what you thought of this episode and which team where/are you rooting for and I'll talk to you in my next one!



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