Spoiler Alert!
Hello everyone!
I know, finally, I'm here with The Flash's rant. It took way too long but you know what? You save the best for last and that's what happened! I mean, this wasn't necessarily the best episode out of the ones that I've seen this week, but it sure was a great episode!
This doesn't usually happens and so, for the first time, I wasn't bored one bit and enjoyed every single sub-plot of this episode. I feel like everything was major for the end goal, which is kind of the Crisis, and needless to say that I'm super stoked for that so... Everything surrounding Crises makes me extremely excited.
There was mainly three plots in this episode - Barry/Killer Frost, Ralph/Cecile and Cisco/Iris. And, before I actually start, I just wanted to mention that this are duos that don't happen that often and I loved it! Please, give me more of this duos.
Anyway so the first story-line that we follow, and the main one of the episode is Barry/Frost's plot. This one also gives us a more in depth knowledge about this season's villain (besides the Monitor, obviously). The episode actually starts with Rosso inadvertently turning Mitch Romero into a zombie, leading to him attacking his own crew looking for dark matter. This is was Barry and Killer Frost go investigate. This also gives Barry the chance to 'teach' Frost how to behave when Barry's no longer there, after the Crisis because yes, that's something else that is really important in this episode - Barry tells Team Flash about the Crisis but doesn't tell them about him dying and so he's trying to 'teach' them how to 'survive' without him. The episode focuses a lot on being truthful not only with this Barry story-line but also with the other two duos, which I will get to in a minute.
Anyway so Rosso comes into play again when Frost remembers him from Caitlin's memories. Frost suspects him right away but Rosso is smart enough to convince Barry that he can help them. Luckily, Barry wasn't that naive this time and he catches him stealing dark matter from STAR Labs. Rosso eventually 'kind of' tells the truth and Barry persuades him to still help with Mitch Romero. Romero ends up getting inside STAR Labs and that's when Rosso learns that he can control him (through the dark matter). Eventually Killer Frost and Barry kill Romero making him overdose on dark matter and making for a great scene on the flash - one that actually could be in an horror movie. Personally, I loved it!
Meanwhile, Cisco and Iris investigate a "Harrison Wells" sighting, and briefly encounter Harrison "Nash" Wells who they then learn is searching for something called "Eternium". First of all, finally Tom Cavanagh is back with a new Wells and second, I don't know about you but I feel like this "Eternium" is going to play a huge part on Crisis and that is what's going to prevent Barry from dying. I'm just throwing it out there right now and we'll see if I'm right.
Finally, the third story of the episode - Ralph's - was one that wasn't hugely important but you know me, I just love Ralph and I love anything to do with him so I loved getting to know more about him, bout his family and, this might sound morbid but, I loved seeing him being a bit more vulnerable and not the 'bubbly' that he is all the time. Also, not only this was also my Truth, but this might also hint at Ralph's love interest which, to be completely honest, I'm kind of afraid. You know, I love Ralph so much that I kind of feel like I 'own' him? It's weird but I want him to have a love interest but I'm so afraid that I won't like her so... I just hope it is played by an actress that I like so I'm more likely to like her.
And well, in the end, since this was heavily about truthfulness, Barry comes clean to the Team about him dying. At the same time, we see Rosso manipulating the substance Romero produced and use it in his cure, making him instantly wanting more.
I can see really good things coming out this season! I don't know if it majorly because of Crisis, since Arrow is being great too, but I'm just loving the story-lines and, as for The Flash, it's a different and interesting villain so... We'll see.
Let me know what you thought of the episode and I'm sorry I took way too long with it.
I'll see you guys next week with new rants!
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