
Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Arrow | Season 8 Episode 1 - "Starling City"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Arrow is back for it's final season and, just like with Supernatural, it's a bittersweet feeling. I'm super stoked with this season (and after this episode I am even more) but it's the last one and I've been reviewing the series since season 4 (since I started following it properly) - that is a long time and seeing everything end always makes you a little sad.
But before it ends we have 10 episodes, starting with this one so let's get into it!
This season is all about the Crisis that is going to happen on episode 8 (at least, for Arrow is episode 8) and there's no real villain this season, which is a huge change! Personally, so far, I think it's turning out great! Also, alongside with that, this season is also a love letter to the fans and just a walk through memory lane with references to previous season and the come back of a lot of characters. This particular episode is all about Season 1 and we see come back not only Moira and Malcolm (as we see in the picture) but also Tommy, who has been in previous seasons, but just as an illusion inside Oliver's mind, and, my personal favorite, Adrian Chase is also back in this episode, with a great entrance, to be honest!
It took me a little to understand where all this fits in and what really was happening but turns out Oliver went to Earth-2 to get something that The Monitor wanted in regards to the Crisis - something that was only on Earth-2. The thing is, Oliver ends up in Lian-Yu and he has to do the same trajectory he did in Season 1, where he is found and goes back home basically to the same moment that was in the first season. The thing is, some things are different - Moira and Malcolm are married, Thea is dead and Adrian Chase is the Hood (aka Green Arrow). Also, Adrian is working with Laurel (aka Black Siren) who knows right away that this is Oliver from another Earth and, just like in Season 1, there's a Dark Archer but this time it isn't Malcolm, it is Tommy. The fight between Oliver and Tommy is pretty great as well as all the other fights in this episode, as they always are to be honest. 
There was not much to it, to be completely fair, but this whole memory lane thing was so great and I truly loved it.
Unfortunately they had to mess it up with flash-forwards which were completely useless and I really believe they could've cut them of and just focus on the 'present day' and everything to do with the Crisis.
Anyway, this are my thoughts on Arrow's last season premiere. Let me know what you thought of it and I'll be back soon with The Flash's rant (which kind of ties to Arrow, as all this series do this season).

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