
Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds 2 | Season 34 Episode 9 - "The Royal Rumble"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Yes, I'm coming to you pretty soon with this The Challenge rant (even though I still have Arrow and The Flash to review). You know, The Challenge is a staple for me and I cannot deal with spoilers so I try to watch it as soon as possible and, most times, I get to see it the after it airs, which was the case today.
But enough of me rambling - let's get into the proper episode.
This week's episode feature a lot of drama. There was a lot of it in the beginning, before the challenge, and a lot after the elimination. It was all centered around the same thing - Paulie. Basically the people that aren't in Paulie and Cara's alliance have finally noticed that they are, pretty much, running the show and a lot of people are turning of them. Jordan being one of those people. It also doesn't help that he has never liked Cara and, even though I don't really like Jordan either, I do really hate Cara right now and I hate Paulie even more than I dislike Jordan (or Wes, for that matter) and I have to be on Jordan's side on this. Anyway, it all started because Jordan started poking on Cara and it soon led to him saying stuff about Turbo and... We all know how Turbo is and, Ashley knowing that, she went to Turbo telling him about the stuff that Jordan said. The thing is, Jordan as open to him and told him everything that he said before, but Ashley being part of Cara and Paulie's alliance just instigated the fight even more and... Yeah, I'm pretty pissed at Cara and Paulie (and Ashley too) and I really hope Cara goes home next week, since it is a girls elimination week. I feel like I say this in every post but this just shows how much I dislike her.
But the drama doesn't end here. In the beginning of the episode there's also drama between Theo and Paulie, where Paulie gives Theo a tongue-lashing. This just shows how big of himself Paulie is and, to be completely honest, this might also mean that he's not as confident as he wants people to think, because this is exactly the way bullies act and we all know what bullies are made of.
But enough of drama, let's talk about challenges and eliminations.
I always do but, this time, I really had hope that the UK would win (because of the episode title) but, again, I was wrong. They lost (again) and they had to send in someone - Idris. It was really unfortunate, and annoying really, because Rogan keeps dodging the elimination and, in the beginning, I was kind of fine but now... He just really needs to go into elimination and prove himself.
As for the Tribunal on the US Team - Josh was named the Speaker and he chose Ninja and Leroy to be with him on the Tribunal. It was an okay Tribunal, in my opinion, but of course, Ninja is part of the Devil's Cult (Paulie and Cara) and yeah, that was what instigated most of the fights, the fact that basically everyone is playing Paulie's game (and maybe without knowing so).
Anyway, the Tribunal chose Theo, again, to go against Idris and it was a really easy win. Theo won and got back to the UK Team. And that was it.
Now more than ever I'm rooting for the UK Team and, more than anything, I just cant Cara and Paulie to go home - they are trash.
Okay, this are my thoughts on the latest The Challenge episode. Let me know what you thought. Are you Team Cara and Paulie? (If you are just leave, please) Or are you with Jordan on this? Tell me everything and I'll see you pretty soon with a bunch of other reviews!

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