
Friday, February 2, 2018

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 12 - "Various & Sundry Villains"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here's a brand new Supernatural rant!
Oh my god, I can't rave enough about this episode!
Last week I had a feeling that this week's episode wasn't going to be just a 'normal' case of the week type of episode and I was so right! Although, I neve thought this episode would be this good!
Right from the 'Then' we could see something about witches (which we knew were going to be a part of the episode) but we could also see Rowena, which meant she was probably back! Ever since the end of last season, when basically everyone 'died' we were lead to believe that Rowena was dead too but 1) Ruth Connell never said anything about leaving the show, like Mark Sheppard did and 2) we never saw a body so, like they say 'no body, no death' (or something like that) so basically all fans were hopping she was alive and, just jumping right into that, she was in fact alive! The photo in the banner is in the exact same moment when she arrives and that was an amazing entrace! But, rewinding...
The beginning of the episode makes us believe that this is just a normal case of the week, like I said before, with two witches casting love spells on guys in order to get things. Then, we find out that their plan all along was to cast a spell on one of the Winchester brothers in order to get the Black Grimoire. Obviously, as expected, Dean is always the one getting trapped in this things. But luckily, Sam realises right away that something is wrong and the love spell that Jaime (one of the sisters) casted on Dean doesn't last long. That's the moment when Rowena makes her grand entrance and basically saves the boys. I can't say enough good things about that entrance! It was something that only Rowena could do! I'm seriously so happy that she's back (kind of).
Unfortunately, the sisters manage to steal the book and that's when things start evolving and the storyline of the whole episode is basically the boys trying to get the book back.
Of course a lot goes down and, by the end, Rowena reveals her true intentions. Basically this was her plan. She 'sided' with the sisters, just in order to get the book and then betray them later. She also reveals that she needs the Black Grimoire for a ritual that will allow her to remove the magical binding that the Grand Coven placed on her and get her full powers back.
The boys, with Rowena's help, are able to find the sisters and that's when they find why they needed the book - to bring back to life their mother - which they kind of accomplish, but only in a zombie form. In the end, the boys and Rowena defeat the sisters, in a really shocking but so damn good scene, in which the sisters basically kill each other because of a spell Rowena casted on them, and get the Black Grimoire back.
In the end, the boys keep the book but Sam allows Rowena to take the page with the ritual she needs and Rowena is able to restore her full powers, which was like the very last scene of the episode, and also something kind of creepy with a lot of things that we don't know about, I'm sure.
At the same time all of this is happening, we also see what's going on in Hell, with Castiel and Lucifer, which was also something that I was really hoping we would get into in this episode, and I'm so glad we did. We see some funny scenes with Lucifer, as usual and, later on, Lucifer and Castiel basically make an alliance to get out of Hell and Asmodeus' custody which, once again, was a pretty badass scene and one that I quite liked! They are able to leave but then Castiel refuses to trust Lucifer and basically stabs him. Of course he doesn't die but it was nice (and kinda sad at the same time) to see Cass not make the same mistakes again. And that was basically it.
I didn't quite understand what we are going to see in the next episode, the only thin that I know is that we are finally going to see Danneel (Jensen's wife) and I'm pretty excited about that. I've never seen her act (although I know she's an actress) so I'm curious to see how she does and what is going to be her character and everything so, pretty stoked about that.
Apart from that, I have no idea what can happen. I hope they dive a little bit more into the fact that Jack is with Mary in the alternate universe and, hopefully, they get a way to save them. Well, at least, I want to see a bit more of Jack and his interations with Mary because I think that's going to be interesting.
Anyway, let me know all your thoughts on this episode and what do you think is going to happen in the next one!
I'll see you later!

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