
Wednesday, March 7, 2018

The Flash | Season 4 Episode 15 - "Enter Flashtime"

Spoiler Alert!

Just as promised, here I am with the brand new The Flash rant!
This time, my thoughts might be not that great. I mean, don't get me wrong, I liked this episode I just think... I don't know, I think it was werid. The whole concept of the episode was that it was 'set' in Flashtime. Basically the whole episode happened while Barry was running and, I don't know about you but I just think it's odd. It's interesting though, but it doesn't seem real, believable. I know there's a bunch of things about speed and all that jazz that we don't really understand but this seemed a bit fake in my opinion. Nonetheless, I think it was good and I thought Barry looked pretty cute in this episode (don't at me ok?). Plus, we had Jesse and Jay Garrick back for the episode, which is always a plus. Yet, yes, I'm going to complain about the fact that we didn't have Ralph... Please, weren't you expecting it already? I just love his character but I get it... Since this whole episode happened in like seconds, it's believable the fact that he wasn't around for those seconds. Anyway, let's get into specifics.
So, like I said before, Jesse comes to Earth-1 so she can have a talk with her dad. In the meantime, Team Flash faces another 'villain', so Jesse decides to help. This villain is Veronica Dale, an eco-terrorist that sets off a nucler bomb, which Barry tries to stop, entering that form of superspeef which they call 'Flashtime' in which everything is frozen. The thing is, the bomb has already detonated, and Barry and Jesse can't save everyone with their superspeed.
They try to bring in Jay to help, but they are still unable to stop it. 
While trying to come up with something to stop it, Barry bring everyone to the Flashtime, one at a time, starting with Cisco. They try to send the bomb to another Earth but Cisco can't open a breach because he's in superspeed and he doesn't have enough time to open it. After that attempt, Cisco tells Barry to go to Harry because he might have a plan. Harry tells Barry to send it to the SpeedForce, to which Jay Garrick says no because it would destroy the SpeedForce and every speedster would loose it's powers, no matter which time or place the speedster is from.
Moving on, Jay Garrick comes up with a plan to cool it down, so Barry brings Killer Frost to the Flashtime but she is also unable to stop it. They try something else, to use their speed to each (Jesse, Barry and Jay) throw a lighting at the bomb, but Jay Garrick is too weak and he can't, for being too tired ending with him getting out of the Flashtime. 
Facing all of this, Barry tells Jesse to get back to her Earth so she won't be affected by the bom but she stops to say goodbye to Harry and then 'gives up' and also gets out of the Flashtime.
Barry all alone, then goes to Iris, who gives him a good plan - to retrieve the Quark Sphere from the Speed Force to send a blast lighting through the bomb. 
Barry does that and he's able to save Central City.
Well, in the end, both Jesse and Jay get back to their Earths (Jay saying that he's going to give up on being a superhero and he's going to train a new speedster from his Earth, a girl, by the way). 
Oh, and in the very end, we see Caitlin and Harry going for a coffee and meeting the mysterious girl who everyone thinks it's Iris and Barry's daugther. Well, I thought that too but after what she said in the end... I don't know... I though she was good but in the end she looked really shady so, I don't know... Let me know what you guys think.
Also, who thinks that speedster that Jay Garrick is going to train is Iris from his Earth? Speedster Iris is going to make an appearance next episode so... I think that's her but tell me your thoughts on that too.
Well, I think that is it for this episode.
Like I said, tell me your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you Friday with new Arrow and Supernatural rants!

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