
Wednesday, March 28, 2018

The Challenge: Vendettas | Season 31 Episode 13 - "Czechmate"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Here we are with a brand new week of rants. Per usual, we're starting with The Challenge.
This week, we had my type of episode! Not only it had a beginning, middle and ending, but it was also pretty exciting, with really good challenges and just the right amount of drama. Seriously, loved this episode!
It started right away with finding who was straight home, not going to the Czech Republic. First, they let us know that Tony and Nicole were the ones to win so they earn some money and, the last two were Jemmye, which was predictable, to be honest, and, for the guys, it was pretty close, less them 5 seconds, and it was between Devin and Kyle. You know who I was rooting for right?! Luckily, I got my wish granted and Kyle stayed and Devin was the one to go home. Karma is a bitch, right?!
They didn't stay much on that and moved pretty quickly to them going to the Czech Republic and right away (in the next day, to be precise) to a new challenge, a pretty exciting one! Challenges that involves trucks are always pretty exciting. And this one was even more because some people had to do it twice because, not only they had to come up with a last place, but also with a first place because, the first guy and girl were already in the final (which is next week/episode).
In the end, Tony and Kailah were the ones to win and to go straight to the final. And, because there had to be a Troika, Tony and Kailah were part of it alongside with the third place, Cara Maria, who was then also going to the final. And, because this was a guys elimination, all the girls then were also going to the final. But, because not everything is good, there was a last place - Nelson - who went straight home. Then, out of the remaining boys - Kyle, Leeroy, Brad and Zach - the Troika had to choose three to go to the Inquisition, and they had to choose it right away. They decided pretty quickly that they wanted to save Zach and that was what they did.Then, that's when the drama started.
In the Inquisition the three guys had to make the Troika 'save them' and they all had good arguments to be honest but Tony thought Leeroy was being a little too agressive, which I disagree, and that's when things got a little heated. Not too much thought but then, in the elimination time, that's when things went really downhill.
This time the Troika didn't have to nominate someone. Instead, they had to save someone, because the other two guys were going against each other. Cara Maria was the one to say it first and it was kind of obvious she was going to save Kyle but Leeroy was really hoping she would save him, which she didn't. She did indeed save Kyle and, right away, Leeroy felt really betrayed. I can't blame him, thought, I would feel too. Leeroy is the nicest guy in the challenge and I don't know how someone could betray him like that. Then, for once, Kailah did the right thing and saved Leeroy, and she actually did say that it was just because she liked him. Then, it all came to Tony, and he's the biggest back stabber of all of them. Well, he didn't save Leeroy. He chose Kyle instead and he said that it was because he didn't like the way Leeroy talked in the Inquisition even thought we all know that wasn't the reason. He just chose Kyle because he's the easiest to beat and Leeroy knew it and he just got mad because he wasn't honest and not because he didn't save him.
Anyway, in the end, Leeroy went against Brad and, because of all the anger he had, he pulled it through and he won which I was really happy about. I just really hope he wins everything because he deserves it! I was really mad at Tony and, the 'liking' that I was starting to feel, just vanished and I really don't want him to win.
The episode ended right there but the thing that got me the most excited was the 'Next On' because Bananas is back! That's right! There's going to be another Mercenaries thing and Bananas is one of them! I really can't wait for that! And I hope he goes against Tony and send him home, I really do! I'm so excited about this, you have no idea!
Let me know what you thought of that preview and what you thought about the whole Leeroy thing.
I'll see you next with a new Shadowhunter rant!

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