
Saturday, March 3, 2018

Supernatural | Season 13 Episode 14 - "Good Intentions"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here it is the new Supernatural rant!
Oh My God! I swear to God, this season has been so good! If they don't screw up everything in the end, I'm sure this is going to be in my TOP 5 Supernatural's Seasons!
Well, after the last episode, I got really pumped! It sucked that we had to wait two weeks for a new episode but I feel like it was worth it! Of course it didn't have everything that I wanted to really make it perfect, but I feel like that's coming so, I'll wait! Plus, I can't really complain because we finally had Jack back!
Like I've sad before, Jack has become one of my favourite characters in the series so I just couldn't wait to have him back! Also, Mary was back too and we had a special appearance from Bobby Singer from the alternative universe, which was nice! I might say that the only thing that I hoped we would get more into in this episode was the whole Gabriel storyline. You know, I was so excited last episode because, just like Jack, Gabriel has always been one of my favourite characters and having him back... Wow! So I was really hoping we would get a bit more of him but, from the looks of it, I think this season is going to focus a lot more on taking down Michael and probably, he's a prediction, next season will be more about Asmodeus and Lucifer. Because, let's not forget, Lucifer is now the king of heaven so, there's going to be a lot more happening involving him but I can totally see it being like everything about Michael until like episode 20 or something and, in the last two three episodes, be about Lucifer and then ending with a cliffhanger about Asmodeus. Also, I still think those Shedim creatures would make really good 'villains' for future seasons so, I hope they use it in the future. Maybe not like the 'main villains' of the season, but be part of the storyline.
Anyway, I've talked enough about my thoughts on the whole episode so let's get into specifics.
The episode actually starts with some interestin visuals that set up really well the whole state of mind of Donatello, which we find in the middle of the episode, was afected by the demon tablet due to his soulless state.
As a result, he gives the Winchesters and Castiel what he claims are the ingredients to open the rift to the other world. But, in fact, the ingredients are all wrong being just a set up to just kill them.
Dean and Castiel go after the last ingredients while Sam stays in the bunker with Donatello and set up the remaining ingredients, ending with Donatello attacking Sam but Sam being able to, in the end, subdue him.
Meanwhile, in Dean and Castiel's quest, they do find Gog and Magog, which was what Donatello wanted in order for those two to kill Dean and Castiel. Of course it doesn't go his way and Dean and Castiel are able to kill the other two, finding about the set up.
With Donatello refusing to help, Castiel forcefully strips the information from his mind, leaving Donatello brain dead.
After that, Castiel finds which are the true ingredients and let the brothers know that they need the grace of an archangel, a fruit from the Tree of Life, the seal of Solomon and the blood of a most holy man so, you know what this means right? Another quest, which brings back a lot of Season 8 vibes with the trials and everything. Personally, I love this types of storylines so I can't really wait to see more of that. I also think that they might not get to the end of it because I'm almost 100% sure Jack is going to be able to open the rift, get back to the 'real world' and then go back to the alternative universe with Sam, Dean and Castiel in order to stop Michael, but that's just my opinion.
Talking about the Alternative universe...
We had a lot of development about that in this episode, starting with Zacariah trying but failing to trick Jack into helping the angels.
After that, Jack is put in Mary's cell and, working together, they are able to escape Michael's fortress and that's when they are met with Bobby Singer from the alternative universe, who takes them to one of the few human colonies left.
Bobby reveals to Mary the history of the Apocalypse World and the war of extermination the angels are waging, realizing that her alternative world self created all that is happening.
Jack's true self is discovered so Bobby demands him to leave in the next morning, but right when Mary tells him that, Zacariah leads an attack on the colony before he can leave.
Mary tells Jack to just get somewhere safe but, Jack being the cutie and the hero that he is, he gets back and basically saves everyone, killing Zacariah and helping repel the attack, earning him acceptence.
Having grown to care for the humans of Apocalypse World, Jack decides to kill Michael in order to end the war. And, well, this might be the only thing that will keep him from getting back to Sam and Dean and if he, in fact, doesn't get back, the brothers are forced to search for all the ingredients and do the spell to get to the alternative universe. I don't know, as much as I love all this searching for the ingredients thing, I really think they won't do it fully but, you never know!
Anyway, this are my thoughts on this episode. Like I said in the end, I loved the episode, loved having Jack back and I'm liking where this is going. Of course I missed Lucifer, and Sister Jo and obviously the whole storyline with Gabriel but you can't have everything right?! I still think we'll get everyone in the same episode but will probably just happen in the last few episodes of the season so, I'll have to wait.
In the meantime, let me know what you thought on the episode and which are your predictions!

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