
Wednesday, March 13, 2019

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 16 - "Failure Is an Orphan"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
This was another odd episode this week. I was able to watch it live, though, but I was caught up with something else at the same time so I had to re-watch the episode again today. It was kind of good because now I have everything fresh in my head, but it always pains me when I don't pay full attention to the episodes.
Anyway, I did enjoy this episode. I felt a little betrayed though because in the preview they made it look like Barry was going to find out about Nora and the Reverse Flash and they also made us think that we were going to see Godspeed and... None of that happened, which was really a bummer. Also, this was another episode without Ralph and you know how I feel about that. Plus, this was kind of a big episode when it comes to the story-line that I think Ralph should've been there but okay... I get it.
The episode actually begins with Nora visiting Thawne and the later telling her that they need to worry on finding Cicada because a new timeline is approaching and something really bad is coming with it. This makes Nora really rushing and getting all Team Flash on finding Cicada. That's when a new meta-human shows up, one that 'shoots' acid and it's in that moment that Nora realizes that the mark that that meta-human left when he attacked them, was also in the newspaper picture of Flash and Cicada's final battle. Thank God Nora didn't have any ideas and just told everyone about those facts and they really start working on finding Cicada, since the final battle is happening in that same day.
Meanwhile, Joe and Cecile go after Dr. Ambres, the one that has been helping Cicada, and that's when she reveals to them that Grace is also a meta-human now (not that big of a surprise, to be honest). I have to say, this were some of my favorite scenes, the ones between Joe and Cecile. I love their dynamic and it was just really cute.
Something else that I also enjoyed was the whole thing about Barry's speech. It has been a current 'theme' the fact that The Flash changes people's hearts with his words and, this time, this was essential. The first time it doesn't really work but, once they find out about Grace being a meta-human, Barry's speech really improved and he got Cicada to agree to take the cure, as long ad Grace takes it too. (The only issue in this whole thing thought is just that Barry keeps revealing himself to everyone but oh well...).
Cicada is taken to STAR Labs and given the cure, but during the operation the facility is attacked by a new Cicada, who takes down all Team Flash, takes Dwyer and kills Dr. Ambers.
And, in the end, it is revealed that the new Cicada is Grace which wasn't that big of a surprise, to be honest.
I don't know about you, but since that episode where Nora went into Grace's mind, I knew that Grace was going to be a meta and play a big part in the season (and not a good one). 
In the end, I liked the episode but I felt a bit betrayed, like I said in the beginning, but let's see what the next episode brings.
Don't forget to let me know what you thought about the episode and I'll see you in my next rant!

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