
Friday, March 15, 2019

Supernatural | Season 14 Episode 15 - "Peace of Mind"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
Here I am, once again, with a brand new Supernatural episode!
This has been a great week, with all my favorite series having great episodes - Supernatural being one of those as well. Even though this didn't really move the story (which I don't really know where it's heading), it was extremely funny and, with all the dramatic episodes we have been having, it was nice to see Supernatural get back into it's funny self. The truth is, basically all their problems were resolved in the last episode so they could 'chill' in this brand new one.
Besides it being really funny, we saw something different. There was a case of the week type of thing but, instead of Sam and Dean going to resolve it, Sam went with Castiel, and Dean stayed at home with Jack in order to help him (since he got his powers back and even some more from Michael).
The Sam/Castiel part of the episode was the funny one. They basically got themselves in a really old school and 'happy' town which ended up Sam like we can see in the banner - thinking that he's someone else and being all 'put together' with glasses and a little bun. Just Sam's look was funny but the Castiel lines were the ones that really got me. I loved Castiel in this episode! I mean, I always love him, but this really made Castiel (and Misha) shine and, in the end, Cas was the one in charge and the one that had to resolve everything, something that never happens. Well, in the end we discover that there's a guy that basically created this town. He has some psychic powers and that's why he was able to do it. As you can imagine, they were able to 'destroy' him but I was a little let down with that because they usually explain what type of monster they are facing and, this time, they didn't, and I wanted to know what type of monster he was (if anyone has any idea, please tell me, because I would really like to know).
Then, the Dean/Jack section of the episode was the more dramatic one. Dean didn't really do anything really, but he got Jack to talk to Donatello about the lack of his soul and what Jack might be going through and... I just love Jack! He's so pure! I loved the fact that they mentioned that he might be the most powerful creature in the universe and, even though he might be, he's still so pure and that's really adorable. I also loved that he said that Sam and Dean are the best people that he know - that really warmed my heart.
Overall, this was such a pleasing episode, I just don't know where they are heading with this, and thinking that we only have 5 episodes left... I'm a bit afraid, but let's see.
Next episode it looks like it's going to be another 'case of the week', but it looks like it's going to be a gross one so I'm excited!
Let me know what are your thoughts on this episode and what do you think is going to happen from now on.
Until then...

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