
Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 16 - "Star City 2040"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone and here is a brand new week of rants!
It seems like this has been happening a lot lately but, once again, I missed half of last night's episode of Arrow and I had to re-watch it again today. Not that it is a big problem but it just leaves me a bit sad because I like to live tweet during the whole episode. I still live tweeted though, but not in the first half. But anyway, I'm going to stop rambling and really talk about the episode.
Finally it aired! I believe I can say that this was an episode that a lot of people was curious about. Not only because this was just flash-forwards and that is already something pretty unique but also because this was the one that would make us understand everything that we have been seeing (from the flashbacks) and... I have mixed feelings. Overall, the episode was okay and I wasn't that bothered about it being all in the future but, you already know by now but I just don't like Mia. Maybe it's because it's Kat who's playing her and you know that I don't think Kat is a great actress but I believe it is also the actual character of Mia. I prefer William so much! You have no idea! Also, this was an whole episode without Oliver and... I don't know how I feel about that.
Anyway, the episode beginning with a little bit of a background on Mia - we see her training since she was very young and we even see her training with Nyssa (as you can see in the banner) which was a nice touch to the episode. We also see how and why she gets so bitter towards Felicity and that's when we get to what was happening in the flash-forwards, with Mia and William following Felicity's coordinates to Galaxy One. The two are almost caught, but are saved by Connor, who reveals himself as an agent from Knightwatch - the good version of ARGUS, as he says.
Meanwhile, we see Roy, Dinah and Zoe trying to find William and Mia and then being confronted by Rene who tells them the plans of Galaxy One about blowing up Star City. 
Back at the headquarters of Galaxy One, Mia, William and Connor enter the building's sub-levels, where they find and imprisoned Felicity, who tells them that the bombs are in the building. They free Felicity and go after the bombs. That's when the whole group reunites, with Roy, Dinah and Zoe and that was one of my favorite scenes. Felicity and Dinah are my favorites so I just loved to see them hug and be friends, which we don't really see in the present day, to be honest. After that, they are also met with Rene who tells them that the bombs are already on-site and that there are no plans to evacuate the city. 
The group then infiltrates a party, where Mia destroys an electronic device held by Kevin Dale, the head of Galaxy One, that disables the bombs. This was one of the scenes that was really bittersweet for me. I loved the bond between Felicity and William and the fact that William is also nerdy, and I also loved the fight scene, I just wish it was Oliver instead of Mia, not only because I don't like Mia but also because that would mean that Oliver is alive (which, to be honest, I doubt).
After that, Dale comes up with a new plan to create fear that would enable Galaxy One to take the Archer program global and, after that, we find out Felicity's personal reason for going after Galaxy One - she created Archer. And that's how the episode ended.
In the end, I feel like I had too much faith on this episode. I was hoping that this would make a lot of stuff clearer and it didn't really do that. Plus, it made me hate Mia even more. I don't know... I'm really torn.
Let me know what you thought of the episode. Did you enjoy it? Where you expecting something else? Tell me everything!
I'll see you tomorrow with another rant!

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