
Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 15 - "Training Day"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
This week's Arrow rant is a bittersweet one. First of all, I wasn't able to live-tweet during the episode because the hour changed in the US and, as you all know, I'm from Portugal and here the hour will only change in the end of the month, which means I was one hour late for the episode and, therefore, I missed it. And second, this past week we got some heartbreaking news - Season 8 of Arrow will be the last one, and with only 10 episodes (basically ending with the crossover). I can't say I wasn't expecting this, because I kind of was but, you know... I always had hope that the show would go on for a long time (maybe not as much as Supernatural, though) and what made me even more sad is the fact that I can see where they're taking this. With what happened in the last crossover and with the talks about the next one it really looks like they are going to kill Oliver in the end and... It really pains me. I started this blog with three series - The Vampire Diaries, Arrow and American Horror Story - and having two of those series ending... Really breaks my heart (plus, there's rumors that AHS is ending with season 10 so... it means all the series that started this blog, and that are my favorites, are going to be all gone in a couple of years). But, because not everything is bad, I have to say that I really enjoyed this episode. To me, this felt like a turning point in the story (which, in a way, is bad, since we're already in episode 15 and just now things are moving forward).
I feel like I really enjoyed the first part of this season, up until Oliver left prison and, until now, there were really few episodes that really stuck with me. Luckily, this episode was pretty good and I'm liking where this is going. As I said, this felt like a turning point where we ended some story-lines, made sense of others and I just liked the feel of everything overall (it's a bummer I didn't get to live-tweet, really).
One of my favorite things in this episode was the whole thing with the SCPD. In fact, that was the main thing in this episode and I think they made everything look coherent and end nicely. I loved Oliver's attitude in the beginning with really trying to work with the police and when he changed, it made sense. He worked with them, it didn't work and he realized he had to do things his way (or Team Arrow way). But, because there's the whole thing with the anti-vigilante law, they worked out a way to appeal to both parts, a bit of Team Arrow and a bit of SCPD, which was great and I loved the way it ended. To be honest, I don't know why they didn't think of that right away but I guess the Mayor is just really stubborn (I guess she changed her mind though, now). 
Something else that I liked, and that I mentioned in the beginning, the episode also tied some loose ends. We understood a bit of how Diggle adopted Connor Hawk (Turner's son), we didn't stay long on the whole thing 'who killed Diaz' and we know that it was Emiko and, surprisingly, I really liked the confrontation between Emiko and Black Siren. I never really trusted Emiko so... We are now seeing her true colors. Now I just wonder why the hell did she kill Diaz?! Does that have something to do with Dante? Did Dante order her to kill him? And, as much as it pains me to say, I'm actually enjoying Black Siren's 'redemption' story. The truth is, everything is making sense in her story and, even though I still stand by the fact that it made Laurel's death a bit pointless, Black Siren's redemption arc has been well developed and I'm liking that.
I also liked the fact that there wasn't much of flash-forwards and that, the little that was, it wasn't too overwhelming and, once again, it made sense. I guess kudos to Emilio Ortega Aldrich and Rebecca Rosenberg because they did an amazing job with the writing of this episode.
Well, I don't think there's much more for me to say. Next episode is going to be the one all about the flash-forwards so, I hope we get a lot of questions answered.
Let me know what you thought of this week's episode and I'll see you guys tomorrow!

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