
Thursday, March 21, 2019

The Challenge: War of the Worlds | Season 33 Episode 7 - "This Means War"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everybody! I'm so happy with this episode!
This is as good as it can get, to be honest. After Bananas going home, this is the best episode I could have right now, and I'm so thankful for it.
Yes, this episode was the one that sent Amanda home, finally! Not only that, but my girl Jenna was part of the Tribunal and she was the main reason why Amanda went home so... Everything aligned in this episode and I'm so happy for that.
Well, I have basically told you everything big that happened in this episode, but I can make a little summary of everything.
As per usual, the episode started with some game plans and a bit of foreshadowing of who was going to win the challenge and who was going to me nominated. Then, just like they have been doing lately, they moved to the actual challenge pretty quickly.
The actual challenge looked like it was going to be kind of difficult. Not because it was really physical or anything, but because it relied on partnership and trust and that's something that not many teams in this competition have. But then, after the first teams, everything run smoothly (at least, it looked like it) and it was over pretty quickly.
Just as I said before, Jenna and Gus were one of the teams that won, and among them were Wes and Dee and, surprisingly, Bear and Da'Vonne (which I'm not even mad about, to be honest).
The teams that they nominated were kind of expected - Jenna chose Amanda, Bear chose Paulie (even though Da'Vonne wanted to send it Nanny and Turbo) and then, the surprising one was Wes who decided to nominate Kam and Ashley. I mean, he wanted to send in Bear, but since he couldn't, he had to choose someone from the British alliance.
Then, in this episode, they decided to go out and, as you already know, stuff happens when they go out and yes, something happened - Josh and Ashley had kind of a fight, nothing serious though, but enough to make what happened next happen.
So yes, the two teams sent to elimination were Josh/Amanda and Kam/Ashley - Josh and Amanda sent by the Tribunal and Kam and Ashley chosen by Josh and Amanda.
Everything was going pretty well for Josh and Amanda (unfortunately) until they just couldn't do it anymore and then... It was pretty easy for Kam and Ashley to beat them and yes, Amanda was finally sent home!
I've already told you this but I'll say it again - I'm happy with all this outcome and this whole episode, let's just keep everything this way.
I really hope Jenna and Gus keep doing what they're doing - Silent but deadly. I feel like this is Jenna's year so, let's make it happen!
Let me know all your thoughts on this amazing episode. Are you also happy that Amanda went home? Or were you rooting for Kam and Ashley? Tell me everything and I'll see you tomorrow with a new Supernatural rant!

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