
Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Flash | Season 5 Episode 6 - "The Icicle Cometh"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys!
First of all, I'm sorry I took way too long with this update. I was just kind of sick this past two days and I just couldn't post. But now I'm feeling better so let's talk about this really exciting The Flash episode!
Although I was starting to get sick, I managed to watch this episode live and, like I said, I really enjoyed it! This had everything that I like on The Flash and, most of all, this brought character development to so many characters, which I appreciate!
So, this episode was basically all about Caitlin and her father. We start with Barry, Cisco and Caitlin going to Caitlin's father location and finding him, and then bringing him to Star Labs.
Meanwhile, we have two teams searching for Cicada - Ralph and Cecile, and Iris, Nora and Sherloque. The first team was my favorite, to be honest, but I'm a bit bias because I just love Ralph, even though, Cecile was really the one who stole the show with all her 'powers' and stuff. I really liked the story-line between those two in this episode.
Anyway, back in Star Labs, Caitlin decides to run some tests on her father, Thomas, but then decides that it's best to go for a walk and just try to reconnect. That's in that walk that Thomas faints and his arm starts turning into ice. Caitlin takes her father back to Star Labs where he reveals the origin of Caitlin's powers. After that, Cisco senses something fishy in all this so he teleports back to Thomas' base and finds out that Thomas isn't really Caitlin's father. As you can imagine, Caitlin doesn't believe it. That's until Thomas' alter ego "Icicle" takes over him , and that's when Caitlin finds out the truth.
Obviously, after that, Team Flash have to do something about him but it turns out harder then they thought. That's when Killer Frost returns and defeats Icicle. After that, it is also reveled that DeVoe used Brainstorm's powers and that they were the cause of Killer Frost's disappearance.
And well, in the very end, we see a bit of Cicada and we discover that he's injured and sick.
That was the episode.
It looks like really simple but sometimes simple is good. The truth is, there was actually four different things happening in this episode, but the main 'event' was Caitlin, her father and the return of Killer Frost, and that kept the story going. Also, we found out more about Cicada and Ralph and Cecile's hunt really turned into something and they already have a name so, they are pretty close to finding him, which is new, they never do it this soon so... I'm excited to see where this is going.
Until then, let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in a minute with a new The Challenge rant (which I also owe you).

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