
Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 18 - "It's Always Sunny in South Africa"

Spoiler Alert!

(Once again, look at that photo of Bananas...Anyway...)
Hello everyone! Here I am, one more day, with a new The Challenge rant!
And you guys have no idea how happy I am with this episode! Not only it was the type of episodes that I like - with challenges non-stop and no drama - but also I loved the outcome of this eliminations.
Okay, I'm just going to say it - Bananas freaking won against Shane! F*ck, yeah! And this win was even better because it was a physical challenge! I already knew that it was going to be, because I saw some previews on The Challenge's twitter account, but you never know how this is going to end. Thankfully, it ended just the way I wanted (and that it should've ended) and Bananas/Tony won against Nelson/Shane, and by a lot! This was one of those types of eliminations that were 3 out of 5 and Bananas/Tony scored 3 right away, against 0 from Shane and Nelson, so this whole win was even better! I just can't stop saying how happy I am with this outcome so, before I keep on rambling about how much I like Bananas, let's move to the other team that also got back to game (but not for long) - Kam and Kayleigh. 
That's right, Kam and Kayleigh won against Brad and Kyle and worst of all was that Brad and Kyle were the ones to get the double cross so, therefore, the ones to choose which team they wanted to go against (aka the weakest team) and even with that advantage, they lost. I have to say, I was kind of rooting for them because, just like Bananas and Tony, Brad and Kyle were hated by basically everyone and, for some odd reason, I like those teams. But anyway, this just shows how bad they are because they lost against Shane and Nelson and now they also lost against Kam and Kayleigh and, not to be sexist or anything, but they lost against two girls! Yes, their challenge wasn't physical like Bananas' was, but still... 
Moving on... Surprisingly, there was no drama nor any 'break' between the eliminations and the next challenge, which I quite liked. 
This challenge was an endurance one that, it kind of looked like it was easy, but I guess it wasn't that easy because a lot of teams struggled. Anyway, we also find out that that challenge is another purge challenge and that the last teams is going home (because no more redemption house from now on), and that last team was Kam and Kayleigh. I'm actually okay with that... I don't care much for them and Kam sometimes was really annoying so, it was cool. The first place team though was Sylvia and Joss, which I didn't like... I hate all those Lavender Ladies and after what happened between Marie and Sylvia... I used to like Sylvia and dislike Marie but now I feel the other way around - I hate Sylvia and kind of like Marie. Well, at least Sylvia and Joss aren't like 'safe', they are just going to have an advantage for the next challenge (at least, that's what I understood).
And, yeah, I guess that's pretty much it for this episode. I'm quite happy with where this is going. I'm almost 100% sure that, if Bananas and Tony don't win the next challenge, they are going to go to elimination again but, let's be fair, unless it is another of those dumb challenges of building pyramids or some sh*t, they are going to win against any of those teams so, I'm confident. Plus, I know they can win an challenge! I have faith in my boys. I also predict that there's going to be three/four more episodes - the next one with a challenge and an elimination, the following two the final and the last episode the reunion.
Let me know your thoughts and what you think is going to happen in the next episodes! We are pretty close to the final so... Let's see how this all ends!
I'll see you guys in my next rant!

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