
Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 19 - "The Walking Dead"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
So, today, I'm bringing you first the The Challenge rant! I know I said in my last rant that today I was going to post the The Flash one and I am. It's coming right after this one!
I have quite a lot to say about this episode of The Challenge! Not only this was the last episode before the final but it was also packed with challenges and eliminations and stuff and, for once, there wasn't any drama, which is huge (and which also made the episode pass by really quickly)! So, past that, let's get into it!
The episode started right away with a new challenge - the electric shocks challenge that we saw in the preview. What we didn't know about this challenge was that it was also a trivia challenge, which is my favorite! But unfortunately, because this took way more time than the previous trivia, we didn't get to see all the questions, which is really a bummer because I love to try and answer to all those questions. Anyway, the outcome of that was, once again, Sylvia and Joss winning.
Post that, we moved pretty quickly to nominations and, this time, we didn't see anyone's vote.
And, just like that, we are in Armageddon for another elimination.
I was really curious because I had no idea how this was going to go. It looked like no one was really targeting Bananas and Tony anymore but, at the same time, there was always that possibility... It was so confusing. But then, TJ said that only one team got the most votes and... It was Tony and Bananas.
Then, out of the people that voted for them, which were Joss/Sylvia and Natalie/Paulie, they could only go against the later so... That it was.
My hopes got really high when I saw what type of challenge it was - an eating challenge. But there were two parts to this challenge, and that was the big problem.
Tony didn't really have a problem with the eating (nor did Paulie, for that matter), but the second part was to have your arms in the air as long as possible and, to be honest, as soon as I saw that challenge I thought it was actually made for me. This might sound really weird but I spend a lot of time with my hand/arms in the air just because I like the feeling. I know, weird, but I thought I would be good at this challenge. But I would never be as good as Bananas or Natalie (at least, I don't think so) because they spent 5 hours with their hands in the air. 5 hours! Then, it was just up to who was willing to give up and... Bananas was the one to give up. I don't really know how I feel about that. He was so damn close to the final and to proving all this b*tches wrong and, for that, I'm a bit mad at him but then... 5 hours is a long time and I can't be mad because he really tried. And then, it's not like he never won or anything. Plus, he's going to be back for another season, for sure so... There's always next season.
And, with that, we move right to the Final. We don't really get to see anything of the final, just TJ explaining that, this time, they are going to get timed individually because, in the end, the person in the winning team with the best time is going to choose if she/he wants to share the money with their team mate or if they want to pull a Johnny Bananas and 'take the money and run'. And that was it.
Needless to say that now, that Bananas and Tony are gone, that I'm rooting for Cara Maria and Marie because, not only I like them better than anyone else, but they are the only girl/girl team and it would be huge if they won! Actually, from the preview, I have a big feeling that they might actually win because of the smile on Cara's face but... You never know.
So, let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you in a minute with that The Flash rant!

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