
Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Arrow | Season 7 Episode 4 - "Level Two"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people and welcome to a new Arrow rant!
For once, I was able to fully watch the episode live and not miss anything, so that was nice. I also got pretty surprised with this episode. At first, I wasn't sure about it, it looked a bit 'boring' in my opinion, but it soon got really interesting and, if I'm being honest, pretty dark.
There was a lot of new information in this episode and it set a pretty heavy tone for the rest of the season (and even for the next seasons, if it gets renewed), which is interesting and I'm actually pretty curious.
So, in this episode we had the return of the flash-forwards and, unlike last episode, this one didn't focus much on Oliver in prison, but it still had him, of course. Even though the flash-forwards were my favorites, I have to leave them for last because they brought a pretty big revelation so, I'll leave it for last. Now, let's talk about Felicity and Black Siren.
We saw in the trailer (and in some scenes in the CW YouTube channel) that Felicity and Black Siren were going to 'team up' in order to get some information from The Silencer. It was a pretty funny dynamic, but I still don't like Black Siren. I did like that Black Siren went in and tried to get information by force, which is something that Felicity wouldn't really do. I didn't like though was that they cut that part, which was a bit of a bummer. Also in that part of the story-line, we then see a 'soft side' from Black Siren. Still, it didn't made me like her more, but it was nice and she kind of made Felicity do something pretty clever, which got them closer to catching Diaz (I can't really wait for that to happen!).
The other story-line that wasn't really that strong in this episode was Oliver in prison. I have to say that I was pretty excited about him going to this 'Level Two' but it just looked like they kept torturing him for some odd reason that I didn't really understand! My prediction is that the guy that said he was a doctor or something is, in fact, The Demon and he's trying to get something out of Oliver. Like I said, I don't know what it is, I'm still pretty confused about the whole thing, but there's no way this guy is just a doctor.
Now, let's talk about the main topic of this episode - Rene/Dinah/the new GA.
There was this whole story of a new 'villain', those baddies of the week type of thing, not really that important, to be honest, it's only purpose was to change Dinah's opinion on the new Green Arrow as well as make her working with Rene, which thank god happened because I was really starting to get annoyed with Dinah. I love Juliana, but her character was started to make me angry so I'm really thankful that they changed her attitude by the end of this episode.
This whole story-line also raised a bunch of other questions but the one thing that I really enjoyed was when Dinah gave the 'Black Canary' pin to Zoe. I knew there was something up with that and we then find that out on the flash-forwards.
And since we are on the topic of flash-forwards, let's talk about those because they gave us a lot in this episode!
First of all, we see Roy and old William in Star City. Once again, we see Star City destroyed. We see them following a bunch of clues and that's when a Green Arrow appears, which than is revealed to be Dinah! That was already something huge, but it didn't stop here! We then see that Zoe took the mantel of Black Canary, which I actually enjoyed, but the big reveal came in the very end of the episode. William tells that it must be Felicity the one to make him follow all this clues and that's when Dinah reveals that Felicity is dead. Like what?! Felicity is going to die?! I sure don't want to see an Arrow without Felicity so, how are they going to fix that?! This isn't The Flash, where they can change the future and stuff. I mean, they can but... This is the thing that confuses me. I'm sure they won't kill off Felicity, at least, not right now... We might only get to see this Future in four/five seasons head, but even with that, I doubt they would kill her so my thought is that this Green Arrow that is in Star City in present time is someone from the future. At first, thought it was Roy, but that would be too obvious in my opinion. Him being William not only would also bee too obvious, but it would also mean that he time traveled, which I don't think Arrow would get into that but there's no other option, to be honest. So, it either is Roy, William or future Dinah. I'm still pretty confused so I can't say for sure but my bet is in one of those three.
I don't know what else to say about this episode. It got me really surprised and full of questions!
Let me know what you thought of the episode, what are your predictions... Do you have any idea who this new Green Arrow is? Tell me all your thoughts in the comments.
I'll see you guys tomorrow with a new The Challenge rant!

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