
Sunday, February 12, 2017

Shadowhunters | Season 2 Episode 6 - "Iron Sisters"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally a new Shadowhunters rant!
I got to be honest with you, Shadowhunters isn't my favourite tv show and, the fact that it isn't that well written, kind of puts me off.
Still, it's a good show and I kind of like the story so obviously I'm going to keep on watching and reviewing it here on the blog.
So, just like previews episodes, this was one that wasn't great, but wasn't that bad either. I feel like what stood out the most, to me, in this episode, was the amount of information that we got about little things that weren't that well explained.
For someone like me, that didn't read the books, there were some things shown on previous episodes that didn't really make sense, and most of them were explained in this one, like why does Valentine wanted the Soul Sword. In this episode they explained that.
Clary and Izzy whent to the Iron Sisters and there they explained that it can kill all creatures with demon blood, including Downloaders.
There, we also find out something else. 
To get that information, Clary and Izzy had to get into the Citadel and, before they entered, they had to pass a trial which detected demon impurities. Clary passed but Izzy didn't, because of the yin fen that she had been using.
To me, that was kind of obvious. They were focusing too much about Clary and the fact that Valentine is her father and that she might also have demon blood, just like Jace so, it was kind of obvious that she would pass the trial and Izzy didn't.
I just didn't know why yin fen had demon blood. 
Like I said, I didn't read the books, so I didn't know a lot about it. Luckily, they told us in the episode that it was made with vampire venon and that it doesn't cure things, it does something else.
Besides those informations, Clary also talks with one of the Iron Sisters about the rune that she used in the previous episode, to which she tells her that it couldn't be a vision coming from her mother.
And, in the very end we also find out that that Iron Sister, named Cleophas, not only she's Luke's sister, but that she's also part of 'Valentine's Crew'.
But, this episode wasn't all about bad stuff.
We finally had the Malec date, which was pretty cute. Seeing Magnus talking about all the people that he has been with and Alec talking about the people that he has not been with. It was pretty cute and pretty funny.
And, we also continued on with Luke's storyline which wasn't major. We saw Simon and Maia teaming up and going after Luke.
I didn't like where that was going because I'm a Sizzy shipper all the way so... And plus, since now Izzy has vampire venon in her system, she can be with Simon. Just Saying.
Anyway, that was pretty much it guys.
I don't have many predictions apart from the fact that Aldertree is clearly hiding something and that he's not good. I'm starting even thinking that he's working for/with Valentine so... I don't know, let me know what do you think.
I'll see you tomorrow with a new rant!

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