
Friday, February 3, 2017

The Flash | Season 3 Episode 11 - "Dead or Alive"

Spoiler Alert!

A little bit late but, here it is The Flash rant!
I don't really know what to say about this episode. I liked it, but there were a few things that kind of pissed me off in the episode so... I don't know.
So, basically this whole episode was about a new 'little villain', which wasn't in fact a villain.
I'm talking about Gypsy, who came to 'our earth' to take H.R. back to Earth-19, since he broke the law and travelled to another earth. Besides that, we also find out that Gypsy has basically the same powers as Cisco, so basically she's a female Vibe, but with better and stronger powers.
The whole episode is around her and what can they do to stop H.R. from going back to Earth-19, since the 'penalty' for what he did is death.
In order to stop that, Cisco demands a trial by combat, which she accepts. Obviously, Cisco didn't know he got himself into and, to be honest, I didn't have much faith in him. Of course I knew that he wasn't going to die, but I thought that Barry would come up with something to save Cisco, which he did, but just made everything worse.
In the end, Cisco got to defeat her but didn't kill her, obviously. She gets back to Earth-19 but makes it clear that H.R. can never come back, because she's going to say that she killed him.
Meanwhile, there's the other part of the episode that kind of pissed me off, which was Iris storyline.
I never really liked Iris, so I'm kind of a suspect to say this but, I just think she was so dumb this episode. I've seen a lot of people 'happy' about her in this episode and all, because she stood for herself and tried to make a legacy for herself and catch some bad guys but... I just think she was dumb! I mean, you're supposed to die in 3 months, I know, but that doesn't mean that you can't die earlier so... I just think it was dumb. 
And, in the very end of the episode we learn that it isn't Barry who's going t save Iris in the future, but it's going to be Wally instead, since he's getting faster and faster more quickly that Barry did in the last seasons.
I don't really know how I feel about. To be honest, I wouldn't mind Iris to die, but you already know that but, about Wally saving her... I mean, I'm liking Wally and all but... I don't know, it doesn't really feel right. 
Anyway, let me know your thoughts about all of that and yeah, I guess that's it.
Hope you guys liked it and I'll see you later with a new Supernatural rant.

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