
Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Shadowhunters | Season 2 Episode 9 - "Bound By Blood"

Spoiler Alert!

Back with a new rant!
And, before you 'say' anything, I know I told you that I was going to post the TVD rant next, and that is coming right away, so keep an eye on that. Still going to post it today.
But now, let's talk about Shadowhunters.
This week, unlike last week's episode, I didn't enjoy the episode that much. 
You already know that I don't think this series is the best, but last week I really enjoyed the episode so I was kind of excited for this one. Unfortunately, this episode wasn't that good.
Once again, this episode was all over the place, starting with Clary getting affected by the blood oath that she did with Iris, resulting in, now, Clary starting to die.
That whole plot was just messed up and, overall, pretty confusing. Sure it had a lot of fun scenes between Simon and Jace, because both of them and Clary went to find Madzie, but apart from that, it was really messed up and I just didn't really like it.
Then, the second storyline in this episode, Raphael and Isabelle, another plot that I'm not enjoying at all! The whole thing with Izzy being an addicted is already bad just for itself, but right now with Raphael?! And him saying that he has feelings for her?! Really?
In this, I really agreed with Magnus, it must have been because of her blood and because he was just high. I don't know, I just know that this is pretty crazy and I don't see why this storyline is happening, because it seems like it isn't going anywhere... Apart, from my favourite thing about this episode, Alec!
I always like Alec, but this episode, I really liked him!
So, he finally noticed something wrong about Izzy (It was about time!) and he finally found out about her being addicted to yin fen and he also found that that it was Aldertree who give it to her, so he confronted him and he kind of black mailed him but what matters is that Alec got control of the Institute (for now) and he's now the one in charge (kind of).
That was basically the only part of the episode that I liked. That, and he scene where Alec finds Izzy with Raphael and then Magnus stops Alec from beating up Raphael, that was also a great scene!
But, apart from that, nothing else was good for me. All the Clary/Simon/Jace thing was just weird, all the thing with Clary almost dying was also annoying and the ending was just meh! 
I hope next episode, since it's the end of the Part A of this season, they finally 'beat' Valentine and that Sebastian turns out to be the new villain because, not that I don't like Valentine, but it's getting annoying and I just want to be done with him... I want something new!
Anyway, let me know what you thought about the episode and what do you think is going to happen in the next episode?
I'll see you later with a new TVD rant!

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