
Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Challenge: Final Reckoning | Season 32 Episode 14 - "Lavender Is the New Black"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello everyone!
First of all, I'm so sorry I took way too long with this rant (this and all the others). You know, life happens. I really thought I was going to be able to post this sooner but turns out I didn't have any time so I'm posting this now. Hope you don't mind and forgive me for being late.
Anyway, past that, I have to say that I'm actually pretty happy with this episode of The Challenge. After the huge twist that was the last episode, I was really curious to see this one and, at the same time, kind of worried because Bananas was really low on alliances and I don't like that.
Surprisingly, we didn't see much drama in this episode. We saw Zach/Amanda and Jozea/Da'Vonne getting to the Redemption House, talking to everyone else that was there and that's it.
Then, we moved to the main house where the main topic was, obviously, the two alliances that are against Bananas, the Lavender Ladies and the TYB (Nelson, Hunter and Cory). They kept all being so annoying and seriously, I applaud Bananas for keeping up with that sh*t and not saying anything really, because they were all so annoying. But enough about that, let's just jump right into the week's challenge.
It was a pretty interesting one and, actually, they dragged it a lot, and leaving Bananas and Tony for last just to build up the tension because right now, they would either win and be safe, or not win and know that they were going to elimination. Thank god they actually won! I was really worried because, in the end, it was between Bananas/Tony and Nelson/Shane and I really didn't want Shane and Nelson to win so yeah, thank got Bananas and Tony won!
After that, all the drama was about Marie and her fake friends. Since she's teamed up with Cara and Cara, obviously is the only person right now on Bananas' side, they both knew (Cara and Marie) and they where going to be the ones to go to elimination. Still, Marie was part of the Lavender Ladies (kind of) and she was really good friends with Shane but everyone tells her that they are voting for her and Cara and all hell breaks loose! Marie starts fighting with everyone and Sylvia even pushes her with her head like, it was a little 'tap', it wasn't a big fight but it was nasty the way Sylvia was talking to her 'friend'. This is how you see who your real friends are.
When it came to the actual elimination, Cara and Marie already knew they were going in, with everyone but Bananas and Tony voting for them. This was actually 'funny' because now they could choose anyone else to go against them and Marie was really pissed off at everyone so, I was curious to see which team they were going to pick. I was actually surprised (or not, I don't know) when they chose to go against Shane and Nelson. I mean, I don't know if I would pick them because it's two guys against two girls but at the same time, Shane is the shadiest and he's, like Marie said, they head of all this alliances so, you gotta start with cutting off the snake's head.
And well, the episode ended like that.
I have faith that Cara and Marie are going to pull it off and win. Well, at least, I hope so, because I would love to see Shane and Nelson go to the Redemption House and basically have no chances into getting back to the main game because no one likes them in there. 
I don't know what's going to happen with those teams, but we do know, from the preview, that in the next double cross, four teams are going to elimination and two are getting back to the game so, I'm excited for that.
Ok, so that's it. Let me know all your thoughts and predictions and I'll see you soon with a new rant.

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