
Friday, April 20, 2018

Shadowhunters | Season 3 Episode 5 - "Stronger Than Heaven"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello people!
A little later than what I expected but here it is, just as promised, the new Shadowhunters rant.
I don't know if that's because I already have so low expectations about the show but this episode was surprisingly good! That's right, I said good. It wasn't like the best episode I've ever watched but, unlike in the previous ones, this had a good storyline, with not many things going on, but still with three different things happening and just really good character development which is something that I quite enjoy.
So, like I said, this episode focused mainly on three things (four if you count the Izzy mini storyline). I'm going to start with the easiest, which was Malec. Nonetheless, it was great and, as always, some of the best parts of the episodes. In this episode they just dealt with some jelousy and the fact that Magnus has some type of box with stuff from his previous relationships as well as he doesn't want to rush things up and move on with Alec, which was what Alec wanted. I gues there's going to be more problems with those two, since that's what happens in the books but, for now, they are 'good'. Not great because in the end of the episode we see Alec still down about the whole thing so that's kind of a hint that more stuff is about to happen but, since we're already on episode 5, I don't know if they're going to focus a lot on that. I mean, the truth is, Malec has been a big part of this season and they have been huge in every single episode so, I might be wrong. Who knows?
Anyway, the second main storyline in this episode was the whole Simon thing. Jace goes to him for some odd reason and they find out that Kyle isn't who he said he was and that he's in fact a wolf, which we already knew, but not just a random wolf. A wolf that protects others or something like that. They didn't explain it that well but I guess it's pretty simple. Of course Simon is mad about that, with reason but in the end of the episode he takes Kyle's apology and they are kind of fine. I'm still pretty confused about Kyle because I actually thought he was Maia's ex-boyfriend, even though I'm pretty sure she said his name was Jordan. I don't, I'm really confused. If you know anything about this or have any predictions just let me know, please.
And lastly, the main story of this episode was Clary trying to talk to Ithuriel. In order to do that, she goes to Luke asking to talk with his sister Cleophas and, in doing so, she tells Luke about everything that happened to Jace. It was about time she told someone, right? Anyway, they go to Cleophas but she says that she can't really talk to the angels since what happened with Valentine. But Cleophas thinks Clary can talk to Ithuriel since she has his blood in her veins so they do some type of ritual or something and Clary is, in fact, able to talk to him. The angel tells her that Jace isn't like that because of what she did but, because of that, he's vulnerable to a lot of things. Clary thinks right away about the Owl and that's when Ithuriel says that the Owl has a master and, as he's about to say it's name, Lilith kills the angel and takes a scratch of Clary's soul in order to put it in a anti-love spell to give Jace.
In the end, Lilith give it to Jace and that's it. Jace no longer loves Clary. 
Like I said, overall, this episode looked good. It was interesting and it kept the story going without mixing too many things, which is what I've complaint in the past episodes.
Let me know what you thought about the episode and I'll see you tomorrow with new Arrow and Supernatural rants!

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