
Wednesday, March 15, 2017

The Challenge: Invasion | Season 29 Episode 7 - "Achy Breaky Heart"

Spoiler Alert!

Hello guys! Back with a new The Challenge rant and back to the good old episodes!
That's right, this episode we were back to the 'normal' type of episodes, with a challenge, nominations and an elimination, which meant, a pretty damn good episode!
Thank god we are over with all the drama because I do not watch the show for that, I watch it for the challenges (and because of Bananas, to be honest). I do like and I do see the need to have a bit of drama in the show, but not have it as the main 'thing' in it, which happened in this episode and which left me really really happy.
Besides, this week's episode was a Champ episode, which meant that the first challenge was more important to the Champs and then there would a Champ elimination. 
I still think that the fact that they are going against each other isn't the best because what would make sense, since it's invasion of the champs, that they would go against the underdogs, but ok...
Anyway so, this week's first challenge was something pretty weird that I didn't get it at first but yeah, basically they had to spin in a thing and for each 'spin' they would win points.
Since it was a Champs elimination week, the guy and the girl that got more points would pick one girl and one guy to go into elimination, and the twist was that, this time, who won was safe so... Yeah, they keep changing the rules all the time, which is exciting but, sometimes, also unfair.
The Underdogs still had to compete in this first challenge, obviously, because they are also competing to win money for their 'Team Account'. Needless to say that this Underdogs weren't that good in this game and the Champs won, which was pretty cool. And then, for who got more points... Well, my Boy Bananas won! And it was pretty obvious that he was going to win because he volunteered to go a second time since there was more guy/girl pairs in the underdogs and someone from the champs had to go a second time... I don't know how the others let him do that because this second time Bananas got to improve his score and won against CT and Zach who where the ones that also got more points. Anyway, everyone knows Bananas and his way of playing the game so, I'm not surprised. I even find it funny. And then, for the girls, it was Laurel who won, which was pretty obvious... 
And, because they won, the chose, right away, a girl and a boy to go into elimination so Laurel chose Zach and Bananas, obviously, chose Cara Maria.
When they went for the nominations, the girl that had more votes was Ashely K, poor thing, and the guy was Darrell. I kind of understand why they chose them... The other guys/girls have been in more challenges recently so they have kind of a bond... I felt kind of bad for Ashely K because everyone thought she was the weakest link and, moving on to elimination, yes, she did loose but... I fet bad for her anyway, she wasn't that bad and go against Cara Maria isn't easy so...
Now, for the boys, it was pretty cool but Darrell won and I was pretty happy about that! I don't know much about Darrell but he seems like a nice guy and he's really good from what I've seen so far so, happy how it turned out! Let's see what happens from now on. To be honest, since I'm rooting for Bananas, I don't think he can beat neither CT or Darrell in an elimination so... I hope the elimination he's in is a good one, one in which he can win.
And yeah, that's basically it guys. Like I said, a much better episode with loads of Champs and less drama, all that I like.
Next week's episode is going to be an Underdogs elimination so, let's see what happens.
Until then, I'll see you in my next rant!

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