
Saturday, March 4, 2017

The Vampire Diaries | Season 8 Episode 15 - "We're Planning a June Wedding"

Spoiler Alert!

Here we are, with the penultimate TVD rant... 
You don't even know how much this pains me to say. I grew up with this show and knowing that it is ending... It leaves me so sad. 
But we still have one episode left, so I'll save all the cheesy things for the last rant. Now, let's talk about last night's episode.
I have to say that it was kind of disappointing to me. Not that it was bad, because it wasn't, and it had such a surprising ending, but I felt a little betrayed. I'm just going to get this out of the way...
Basically we didn't really have Katherine back... Supposedly she is back, but she didn't appear in the episode, so I felt a little betrayed about that because I really wanted to see Nina Dobrev as Katherine. Hopefully, we will see her as Katherine in the last episode. Let's pray.
Apart from that, it was a good episode. Not as good as the last one, at least, not to me. Maybe it was because we didn't have more Kai in this episode or it was because this episode was basically all about Steroline, and you know how I feel about Steroline.
We also have Kelly Donovan, Matt's mum, back, who says that wants to be a better mum to him but we soon realize that she's working with/for Katherine after dying two years ago. And then, we move on to the main plot of the episode - Steroline Wedding - in a way to lure Katherine out. 
Apart from that, Stefan and Damon also make a weapon made of Katherine's bones, just like the weapon that killed Cade, to try and kill her as soon as she's out of hell.
Meanwhile, we also have a lot of dram between Bonnie and Caroline, because Bonnie is still mad with Stefan and she tells Caroline that she can't be at the wedding. Bu after talking to Enzo, she ended up going, which I knew had to happen. Bonnie couldn't miss Caroline's Wedding, even if it's a 'kind of' fake wedding.
And, since we are already in this topic, I have a lot strong opinions about how Bonnie is acting. Don't get me wrong, I completely understand why she's acting like this, and I know she's the character that have been through the worst stuff, always sacrificing herself but... C'mon! If she can forgive Damon she can also forgive Stefan. I know that Stefan killed the love of ther life but still... Stefan is human now and she knows that it wasn't really Stefan and that Stefan isn't like this so... She should forgive him...
Anyway, back to the wedding...
Even before the wedding starts, Kelly slits Peter's throat in an attempt to get the dagger from him.
Then, they move on to the actual wedding and, everyone is waiting for Katherine to arrive but... She never does. So Stefan and Caroline really keep going with it and get actually married.
I don't know how I feel about this.
I know most people must have loved it but... I don't like Steroline and, somehow, this doesn't seem real to me. Maybe I'm just in denial, but something tells me that something else is going to happen in the last episode and they won' be together. Ultimately, everyone wants Klaroline and wants Caroline in The Originals so... Hopefully Steroline won't be endgame. Besides, I still think that Stefan is going to die in the end so... Although, this episode gave a lot of hints that it's Damon who's going to die in the end.
I don't know... There's so many theories out there! The truth is, Damon's death would be really unexpected, and some people said that it's one of the brothers who's going to die. But, there's still some people that think that's Bonnie who's going to die but... I don't know, I'm really confused about this...
Back to the episode...
During the reception, Bonnie and the twins go to the Lockwood House to go to the bathroom, meanwhile, at the actual 'venue' of the reception, Kelly interrupts Damon's speech saying that she started a gas leak at the Lockwood House.
Suddenly, the fire starts and there's kind of an explosion.
That was one of the most horrifing moments! I was really concerned about Bonnie and the twins! By now, we don't really know what the writers are going to do so, anything can happen.
Luckily, the twins siphon magic from Bonnie and the three of them use their powers to get out of there, making Bonnie loose her connection with Enzo in the process.
In the very end, Kelly reveals Katherine's true plan and that was such a plot twist to me! Never thought this would happen!
Turns out Kelly, and that fire, was just to distract them, while Katherine ressurected Vicki Donovan to go and ring the Maxwell bell and bring hellfire to Mystic Falls. In this moment, we see Vicki starting to ring the bell while both Bonnie and Kelly fall on the ground, with their nose bleeding, making everyone think they're dying.
To be honest, I don't think Bonnie is really dead. First, it wouldn't make sense her to die just like that; Second, it would be just wrong for Bonnie's character and Third, Bonnie is in the stills of the last episode so... She's definitely not dead. At least, not yet... We'll see in the last episode.
And I guess that's it... Overall, this was kind of a pointless episode... I think they just did it to make the Steroline fans happy and to make that 'June Wedding' that everyone have been talking about but yeah, it was nice, not just that exciting.
Next TVD rant is going to be the last one and I'm just not okay with that.
Also, I would like to tell you guys that next week I won't be live tweeting. Instead, I'm going to film a video reacting to the episode, which is going up on my channel either Saturday or Sunday so... This week was my last time live tweeting during TVD, which is so sad...
It's going to be so emotional.
Let's see what happens.
I'll see you next week with the very last TVD rant.

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