
Thursday, March 30, 2017

The Originals | Season 4 Episode 2 - "No Quarter"

Spoiler Alert!

Finally, this rant is up and Oh My God, why did I wait so long to watch this episode?!
Seriously, this episode was so much better than the first one! 
This seems to always happen to me because I remember with TVD was the same thing. I guess I just watch too many previews that I basically know everything and aren't surprised at all. To be honest, there wasn't many surprising things in this episode, but there were a lot of moments that I liked and a lot of things that I have strong opinions about so lets just get right into it.
Let's start with my favourite part of the episode - the Klamille scenes!
We already knew that Camille was going to be back this season, at least for one episode, because we saw it in the previews and we also kind of already knew that it was going to be some type of hallucination or something because, well, she's dead. And that was exactly what happened.
We saw Camille in Klaus' head, while he's suffering because of the Papa Tunde's Blade.
I liked this scenes so much not only because I ship(ed) Klamille but also because this scenes showed a lot of vulnerability from Klaus and that shows a lot of who he is and how strong he is in fact.
Klaus isn't known for showing vulnerability so, when this happens, it's amazing and, to be honest, really cute! Seriously, Joseph Morgan did an amazing job with this scenes! So as Leah Pipes, obviously, but Joseph, damn, this was really good!
My next favourite part of this episode I think it's really a surprise to you - Kol!
You know I talked a lot of sh*t in my last rant because Kol wasn't in the season premiere but he is in this episode and I'm so glad he is! I think Kol is such an underrated character! Seriously, I don't know why there isn't as many people liking him as there is people like Elijah. I mean, I can't compare him to Klaus because Klaus is Klaus, but like Elijah... Elijah is just as good as Kol and, in my opinion Kol is even better, which brings me to my next topic, this time not really a good thing.
I'm not really liking Elijah in this season so far. I really don't know why because I've always liked him but this season, I don't know, I don't feel the same way about him. I don't know if it is because he's not with Hayley for real and I don't ship them, or if it is because I'm still a bit bitter about what he did to Marcel, although I'm not really into Marcel either... I don't know! I just know that I'm not enjoying him so far and I even think that he's starting to be a little bit overrated.
And, since I talked about Marcel, I want to talk about that scene where Marcel 'let the Mikaelsons go'....
As you can imagine, I'm not going to say good things about Marcel because 1) I'm not his biggest fan, and 2) Really?! Did he really say that he was being merciful? Like the Mikaelsons couldn't give him a fight... I'm not saying that Marcel wouldn't win, because he probably would, but really?! It just left me a bit annoyed.
And that was basically the only scene that 'bothered' me, all the others were great, really!
Oh, and I can't finish this rant without talking about two more parts of this episode that I really enjoyed!
First one all that 'snake' symbol thing storyline! I'm so intrigued! What was that thing that attacked Vincent? I really don't have any idea where this storyline might go but I think this is going to be the main thing from now on. Now that Klaus is finally free, and since Hope is also having some type of visions of that symbol, I think everyone is going to start working towards finding out what happens and, somehow, I think Marcel and the Mikaelsons are going to have to work together so, that's going to be interesting.
And, last, I need to talk about that last scene! Klaus seeing Hope grown up for the first time! It was so cute! It didn't happen like I thought it would but it was so cute anyway! Now I just can't wait for her to meet him and that is going to be really cute! I just hope she isn't like scared of him or anything because that not only would break Klaus' heart but also break my heart so let's hope that doesn't happen.
I guess that's it for this episode!
Once again, I'm sorry I took this long with this update. I hope you enjoyed it anyway and let me know what you thought of the episode!
I'll see you in my next rant!

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