
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Arrow | Season 5 Episode 18 - "Disbanded"

Spoiler Alert!

I don't know what is up with me, if I'm just in a good mood or if this episodes have really been great but, damn, this Arrow episode was so good!
I felt kind of 'meh' about this episode because of how the last one ended but then I saw the previews I saw something and my hopes got a little higher and yeah, this episode was seriously so good!
I have a lot of mixed feelings about a lot of things in this episode so let's get right into it.
So, the episode begins right where the last one left of and we see both scenes that were shown us in previews - Oliver telling the Team that basically everything is done. Obviously the Team wouldn't be done, and something similar have already happened to Oliver before so Diggle just says to let Oliver come to his senses and keep on with the Vigilante work because the city still needs them and, at the same time, they can work on trying to catch Adrian 'the right way'. To achive this, Felicity starts working right on it and goes to Helix, which is already not a good sign.
Meanwhile, Oliver didn't really 'give up'. Instead, he tried to handle things in a different way. He calls Anatoly and asks for the Bratva to kill Adrian Chase. And this is how everything from the flashbacks tie with the present, which I really enjoyed.
Unfortunately, Diggle doesn't really like this plan and tries to talk Oliver out of it. To be honest, I think it was a smart idead. Yes, it could make Oliver go back to how he was but I trully believe that his plan was going to work because Adrian wasn't expecting it at all.
Anyway, at the same time this was happening, Felicity is at Helix and ends up finding a pixelated footage of Chase taking off his Prometheus mask so, the next step is find a way to see Adrian's face.
Back to Diggle and Oliver... Diggle finally gets to change Oliver's mind and that's when he joins the team again and go after Anatoli and the Bratva because, although Oliver called the deal off, for Anatoli a deal is a deal and, even though Oliver don't want his part of the deal (Adrian dead) Anatoli still wants his part, which is some medicine to create a drug, and so he's going after it.
At this point I'm seriously really disappointed at Anatoli. I really liked him and I thought he was a nice guy but it seems like, after Oliver left Russia all those years ago, he changed and he's not the same anymore,which makes me sad.
Anyway, the Team get to stop everything. Also, Felicity and Curtis manage to decode Chase's device of covering his face with pixels, revealing Chase as Prometheus to the police. And this is where my mixed feelings come in place.
I've always had a thing for Chase and you know I'm into bad guys but, in the beginning of this episode I really thought he was being really 'nasty' like showing to Oliver's office and all. But then, they find a way to reveal him as Prometheus and, as much as I want him to be caught, I also don't want it because I just think he's a really cool chracter!
And then comes the final scene where Chase's guards try to arrest him and he just kills them and leaves his safe house, all covered in blood and, for some odd reason, I really liked that scene! I guess I'm really into psycopaths.
So, that's basically it... Unfortunatelly he are going to have to wait about a month for the next episode because, just like The Flash, Arrow is going on hiatus. Now that I'm really into this season! Seriously, I can't wait to see more! Also, I really hope Adrian doesn't die because he's such a good character! Or, somehow, he can go to Legends who knows?! Anyway, let me know what you thought about the episode and please tell me I'm not the only one with this mixed feelings because I already feel weird enough.
Yeah... I'll see you guys tomorrow with a new Supernatural rant!

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